Saturday, 6 September 2014

Alone at the park.....

Usually every Friday after school we get an ice cream and I take the girls to the park.....Now that Becky has started Secondary school it's all changed....She doesn't finish school until later so it was just Ellie, Stu and I....

It was so strange Becky not being there.....Ellie was like a little lost lamb without her and rather sad to start with!

Becky wasn't there to run about with, go on the sea-saw, chase her down the slide and get dizzy on the roundabout with.....

We cheered Ellie up and said there will be plenty of times to play in the park with Becky on weekends and in the school holidays....

Ellie has a great time in the end and when she saw Becky she told her all about the great time she had missed at the park....I think we're going to have to change our visits to the park to the weekend....


  1. The girls are obviously very close and it sounds like a major change for Ellie without her big sister. I'm sure she will soon adapt and relish telling Becky all about their adventures. It sounds like a lovely way to end the week so I hope you keep it going. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids

    1. It is a big change....I never thought about it happening until it did.
      Thank you x

  2. Oh bless her, it must be tough now not having her sister around so much...although I'm sure she'll quickly get used to it! Hope Becky is getting on well at secondary school lovely #CountryKids

    1. It's big changes for both of them.....Becky is loving it. Thank you.

  3. Awwww, all change for the Northumberland Mam Fam with high school coming into the mix! Hope you all settle into the new way of things before too long x #countrykids

  4. Aw it's so hard for the younger ones once their siblings start school. Oliver starts next week so will be heading to the park on weekends now after reading this!

  5. Poor thing. The younger ones do feel lost without the bigger one around. Hope Becky wasn't sad to miss out on the fun time. x

  6. I think you might have to! Looks like she did brighten up, though :) x

  7. Oh bless! How cute! She loved aces with her glasses on though. You will have to move park fun - or go twice a week! xxx

  8. Ah bless her. I guess September winds of change bring lots of new things for us all. I am glad she cheered up in the end. Is there a big difference in time of finish for the two of them? I hope they settle into the new routine.
    Liska xx

  9. Aw bless.. just sounds like my daughter missing my son now he has gone off to big school. She won't let on she misses him though...

  10. My eldest has just started secondary too but still enjoys the (teenage) parts of the playground. She also finishes later but the school is much closer than our primary so don't really notice the difference.

  11. Lovely that she loves being in the park with her sister, shame that we all have to grow up and things change.
