Saturday, 13 September 2014

Roald Dahl....

In case you didn't know today is Roald Dahl day today!! 

Roald Dahl (1916–1990) was one of the world’s most imaginative, successful and loved storytellers. Since his death, his work has not only endured but is still increasing in popularity. His stories are currently available in 59 languages. UK sales alone are over 50 million books and rising, with global sales estimated to be more than 200 million.

Even before I could read Roald Dahl's books myself I remember having the audio book on cassette tape of Charlie and the Chocolate factory.....I remember sitting in the kitchen listening to it cheering Charlie Bucket on when he got his Golden ticket!!.....

When I learned to read I adored his books.....It is hard to pick my favourite but it would have to be between Matilda, George's Marvellous Medicine and the Boy.

 I can at least say I read the books before the likes of Matilda,
James and the Giant Peach, The Witches and Fantastic Mr. Fox were made into films....

At school for a whole term we did a project about The Witches.....The term ended with us watching the film which was brilliant......I'll never forget the gasps when the Grand high witch removes her mask for the first time.....Scary stuff when you're only about 11 years old.

Roald Dahl has given me so many memories.....Now the wonderful writer is making memories for my girls too.....

Becky has been reading Roald Dahl books for a few years now..... Her favourite being Charlie and the Chocolate factory. She has seen both versions of the film and she prefers the one with Gene Wilder rather than Johnny Depp. She has taste....hehehe

Ellie has now discovered Roald Dahl books.....She is reading and doing about The BFG at school and at home she has started to read Boy but it was too much for her so she is now reading Matilda.....

On Monday Ellie's school is having a Roald Dahl Day.....The kids can dress up as one of their favourite characters from one of his books.....Ugh! I hate dress up I better get my thinking cap on....

Do you have a favourite Roald Dahl book?



  1. There are so many to choose from,I think BFG and James and the giant peach.Then again I used to love them all.

  2. It's tricky, I like the books I've read for different reasons, though I'll always remember Rik Mayall reading 'George's Marvellous Medicine' on Jackanory, so have a fondness for that one!

    1. Ohh I remember Rik Mayall reading them too....That's us showing our x

  3. I love Roald Dahl books and I have read most of his children's ones in both English and then in French ... although the BFG was fun trying to work out the made up words from those words in French I just did not know! I am working on getting younger son, who is a slightly reluctant reader (unless in is Diary of a Wimpy Kid), into reading these books in French ... next year at school he'll be reading a lot more in French and I would like to get him happy reading more before then. If he is forced into reading just for school this will do nothing to encourage a love of books.

    1. Ohh I never thought about having to read in both English and French....Good luck to him!
      My eldest loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books....

  4. George's Marvellous Medicine was always my fave. I remember going round my mam's kitchen mixing lots of random things, trying to recreate it! x

  5. Love, love, love his work. Have you seen the musical of Matilda in London? It's a wonderful performance, & worth making a special trip to see it.

    1. No I haven't....I would love to though....I've heard wonderful things about it.

  6. We love Roald Dahl in this house. My eldest daughter has a boxset of some of his books. I really love Matilda but the girls favour Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Thanks for linking up with #readwithme x

  7. Matilda is my absolute all time favourite book. I have so many memories of reading under my duvet by torchlight (like I was so cool...) just reading and rereading it. Having said that, so many of Roald Dahl's books are just fantastic, I also love Esio Trot and the BFG :) #readwithme

  8. I would love to see the costume you made for your daughter's Roald Dahl day :)

    One of my favourite Roald Dahl books is Matilda, I've bought it for my daughter as a starting school present.
