Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Lottie Doll - Review!!

You may have noticed the new badge over there on my sidebar......I was lucky enough to be chosen as a Lottie Ambassador.....

Lottie Doll is a great alternative to other types of fashion dolls you can buy....These look like a little girl and not like a perfectly shaped woman....Lottie has a healthy childlike body....No skinny waist and big chest.....They don't wear makeup, jewellery, scanty clothes, high heels or have tattoos....

 They are what children should be!! They are an age-appropriate doll aimed at children between the ages of three and nine.....Lottie is all about letting girls be girls, doing all the activities a child would do, not growing up too quickly, and presenting a healthy view on body image.

Lottie is smaller than the other fashion dolls standing at just 7.5 inches (18cm) tall so is very portable and easy for little hands to carry around!!

We received Branksea Festival Lottie to review.....

Summer has arrived at last! The sun is shining and the sky is blue as Branksea prepares for its annual Festival. Lottie is excited and is looking forward to live music, face painting, storytelling, and arts and crafts. Will the good weather continue or will the celebrations be spoiled by rain?

Lottie is dressed in her polka dot wellies and striped leggings. Her fur waistcoat tops off the outfit of pink corduroy shorts, a blue t-shirt with a removable patch, a flower headband and a neon orange satchel bag.

Our Lottie doll came in a such gorgeous packaging..... A cute little box with a handle which encourages you to reuse it.....I know we will be.....I didn't need any scissors to remove Lottie from this box which made a nice change.....There's a little story on the back of the box, describing who the doll is and what she likes....Such a sweet touch!

 Usually when we buy or get sent toys to review they have a ridiculous amount of packaging....Plastic you have to cut and those stupid metal wires which torture me....Lottie is secured with two wire ties and a plastic band that holds her long hair......Her two accessories are packaged in plastic bags and taped to the cardboard.....I managed to open it within minutes with my bare hands.....No faffing about with scissors needed.   

Ellie instantly fell in love with Lottie! She's beautiful....I love her clothes....Is it really for me?....She's so small but not too small....Can I take her shopping with us?....Her hair is so soft....I can play with her all day....Were just some of the first things Ellie said when she saw this Lottie doll.....

 She of course got straight down to stripping her off.....I don't know what it is with my girl....She loves to take the clothes off dolls and then usually I have to put them back on as they are too fiddly.....Not this time! Ellie managed this herself.....The clothes are well made and are so soft. They fasten with Velcro which is fantastic for small hands.....

We usually have major problems with shoes or boots either not staying on or not being able to get them on.....Not these the boots have wide slits in the back which make them so easy to get on and off.....

Ellie had a lovely surprise.....The felt sun on her blue shirt is attached with velcro so can be removed....I found the extra touches like that really nice.....The only fault I found with her clothing was the headband....It is difficult to get it to stay on the doll's head....You have to get it just right or it pops off or slides down her face....

Lottie is such a good size......I think that is why Ellie is finding her easier to dress.....She isn't too big or too small....She can bend, sit, move her head side to side and she can do the splits.....

So far Lottie has been shopping in us....She had to sit in the seat in the trolley too.....She's played in the garden, on the slide.....Played in Ellie's playhouse.....Had afternoon tea.....Was a cowboy, was a very good patient when Ellie was a doctor and sat very still while having her hair done....

Lottie really is a fun and educational affordable, aspirational ‘pro girl’ doll who can stand on her own two feet (always a useful life skill for all girls, big and small)

We really do love this doll.....It is everything positive that you want in a doll....I think Lottie doll is now a firm favourite of Ellie's now....Lottie has already given Ellie hours of fun and I'm sure it will give her many more! I showed her the website and according to her she needs all the other dolls and all the accessories.....Something else to add to her ever growing Christmas list.....

You can follow Lottie on social media on their Facebook page and Twitter too @Lottie_dolls...

Lottie celebrated her two year anniversary last month!! Happy Birthday Lottie!!

To celebrate, later this week I am giving one of you the chance to win a great prize of Two Lottie dolls and Two accessory sets from the existing range!! Please keep an eye for the fab competition!!


I was sent the Branksea Festival Lottie free of charge....This is my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own....


  1. What a lovely doll, the packaging and the accessories are just lovely.


  2. They look fantastic! I'll be adding these to Chloe's Christmas list! I love that they are girls and not women!
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested this week x

    1. They are great! Ellie has said she will be very upset if Santa doesn't get her some for Christmas....lol Eek!

  3. We have one of these too, and we really like it. They are one of the only toys I have seen that are REALLY age appropriate. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

    1. They are just brilliant.....We will be getting more.

  4. I adore these, my little girl is just a bit too young for them at the moment but I think we will definitely be buying when she gets bigger #TriedTested

  5. Oh wow ive never heard of these but they look great! lovely that they are not over glam or adult styled. I may have to get one for my niece for Christmas :)

    1. They really are.....They would make such a lovely gift.

  6. That looks like a brilliant little doll! I'm not a fan of some of the dolls you can get now but will have to keep an eye out for this as I'm sure my younger daughter would love it! #TriedTested

    1. It is....I know what you mean about some other dolls. This is nothing like them. :D

  7. Aw she looks so happy with her doll I bet she loved reviewing a toy ! These dolls look brilliant I wish they had these when my oldest was younger xx

    1. She thinks it's the best thing ever.....So much so the Anna doll from Frozen we got her for her birthday has been cast aside....lol

  8. This doll is really lovely, I love the idea of them being stripped of all the makeup and fakeness of some other dolls you can get. The festival doll is so cute, the boots are very sweet!

  9. Ah I love the look of these and I'm sure Bella would too. She loves dolls and I agree that some of them are just too adult looking these days. The Lottie dolls look perfect for her :) x x

  10. I'm loving the look of these dolls! I have a 7 year old who would love one, I am sure. Love that they are age appropriate - none of this ridiculous make-up, skinny waist, scanty clothing nonsense like a lot of dolls aimed at children these days.

  11. Aww lovely photo's, Ellie looks pleased with it. I love the packaging it comes in x

  12. She looks really cute, I'm sure any little girl would love her.

  13. Fantastic, I love the idea behind this, so much more appropriate. I can imagine how much any child would love her x
