Friday, 26 December 2014

Christmas - A time for Family....

The last Word of the Week of the year....It would be rude not to take part! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day....

My word of the week is....

Family is very important to me....
This week for me has been all about family....

My dad, his partner (who I class as family) my great Aunt and a surprise guest came to visit....The surprise guest was my dad's cousin who was a great part of my life when I was younger....I hadn't seen her in about 12 years....It was the first time she met the kids and they loved her....

It was some lovely family time....Lots of laughs, chatter and seeing my dad is always a treat....My dad lives in Scunthorpe so I don't see him very often.....We speak on the phone but it isn't the same as seeing him....

Stu, the girls and my self has had some lovely family time this week despite the long hours he has been working.....I've spent less time online....Spent plenty of time with the kids and it has been the best....

We had a lovely family Christmas.....Just the 4 of us....We stayed in our PJ's....played games....with toys....watched tv and ate far too much....It was perfect!

The Reading Residence


  1. Nice to read that you had an awesome week. Happy Christmas =) #wotw

  2. Can't beat family time!, Hope you enjoy the rest of the hols. x

  3. Oh how lovely, so glad you enjoyed spending Christmas with family x

  4. Ah, a lovely word and it sounds like a wonderful Christmas. Must have been so lovely to see your dad's cousin, too. Glad you're having a good one and thanks very much for taking the time to link up with #WotW, too x

    1. It was so lovely....So very special!
      Thank you x

  5. You are right family is so important and great to be able to switch off a little to enjoy it #WotW

    1. It has been lovely taking time out from blogging and the internet....Family time is the best x

  6. So glad you got to see your Dad and spend lots of family time together, I'm trying to do the same here x
