Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas Eve...

Christmas Eve is such a magical day....Well it will be after I have been to Asda and had a bit of trolley rage....hehehe Yesterday I was sat here thinking about the shopping trip and I could feel my anger levels rising....I don't know what it is about my local Asda is but I hate it....I blame the fact it's huge and above a car park and if you stand still you can feel it shaking.....You can! lol

 In an ideal world I would have liked to have gone yesterday but we couldn't fit it in around Stu working....I didn't fancy going too early in the morning or too late at night....I have my lists written and I must find a new outfit for myself....Ugh! I hate shopping.....

After we've been shopping I will go and hand the last of the presents out to friends and make a start preparing the veg & cook the turkey while the girls will watch some Christmas films....

The Grinch is on at 2.45pm & Muppets Christmas Carol at 4.50pm both on Channel 4...Then at 6.25pm Toy Story 3 is on BBC1!! I love that film...Yes I will probably cry at the end.

For tea we will have a Prawn Cocktail with lovely fresh brown bread buns....My girls love prawns and we don't have it very often....It's a tradition we have....

The girls of course will have a bath....You have to be clean for Santa....hehehe and get their new PJ's on....We all have to have new PJ's it's the law....

Hot chocolate will be drunk and Christmas stories read then the kids will go upstairs to bed and be asleep by about 9pm.....In reality Ellie will still probably be awake at about 11pm being nosy and stopping us from wrapping the last of the She's done it every year....I have most of the presents wrapped there is just a few which were late deliveries and no doubt I will buy something extra in Asda for them.....

When Ellie eventually does go to sleep the presents will be put out downstairs.....One girls presents on the sofa and the others on the Fireplace.....It changes every year depending on who has the bulkiest presents....

One last thing that has nothing to do with Christmas eve but I found out yesterday.... I'm going to brag a little....I made it into the actual top hundred on the Tots 100!! I took a screen cap in case they re-jiggle the chart but I was there!! What an honor! Definitely a Christmas surprise that money can't buy....

I understand sort of how the rankings are worked out but I still for the life of me can't understand how I am up there with the best blogs.....Wow! I'm still in shock! At least in January when I drop back out of the 100 I can always say I've been there once....hehehe Thank you!

Have a wonderful day and a Merry Christmas!!