Saturday, 20 December 2014

Elizabeth the lovely elf!! #ElfOnTheShelf

Elizabeth our Elf on the Shelf has been somewhat better behaved this week.....

Last week she was a bit of a terror! This week she has been a pleasure to have.....

Saturday Elizabeth was found reading a book and on Sunday she had been for a ride on Pinky-pie and ended up under the Christmas tree.....

On Monday she had climbed up into one of the lamps.....It's ok we made sure not to switch the lamp on...hehehe

Tuesday she was found hanging by tinsel off the curtains.....The girls actually walked past her about 3 times before they found

Wednesday she was in the bathtub with some treats for Becky and Ellie....We do love Crazy soap products here.....

On Thursday I think Elizabeth was a bit peckish....She ended up in the tub with the eggs....

Friday she was found with a couple of craft sets.....What a kind elf she is.....

Who knows what she'll have in store for us next week.....I will be sad to see her leave....


  1. This looks such fun, I've seen quite a few people doing this and it's been fun seeing what the elves get up too. I must do this for my children next year.

  2. I love the idea of the elf, but I keep forgetting to buy/make one!
    We talk about him, little one knows the special EPF is watching xx

  3. I'm thinking of getting one for the family this Christmas. Let's just hope that the elf we get isn't that mischievous :)
