Thursday, 8 October 2015

Helping kids with their homework.....

As much as you or your kids hate homework it will be sent home from school and your children will have to do it....My girls have been getting homework since they were in nursery at 3 years old....I dread them getting it but over the years I have found ways to make things easier on us all....

Keep distractions to a minimum.
Make sure they have somewhere to work where they have no distractions....The area where they work doesn't have to be fancy....A desk in the bedroom is nice but for many children the kitchen table or a corner of the living room works just as well....I know if my girls did their homework in their bedroom they would get nothing done unless I was stood over them.....The area should have good lighting and it should be fairly quiet. This means no TV or loud music....

Make sure they have all the necessary equipment.
Whether it's access to the internet, text books, a calculator or just pens and pencils....

Establish a homework time. 
Your child should get in the habit of doing homework at the same time every time they get it...The time may vary depending on the individual child....Some children need a break right after school to get some exercise and have a snack. Others need to start homework while they are still in a school mode....My girls do it as soon as they get in from school....Ellie gets it on a Friday and we get it out of the way so we have the whole weekend to relax....Becky has started to do her homework at school in her lunch break so she doesn't even have to do it at home..... 

Make sure they do their own work. 
Don’t be too helpful....It’s important to support your child with their homework but don’t do it for them. The will not learn if you are doing it!

Help them to get organised.
Once your kids reach secondary school homework becomes more complicated to organise as they'll be getting different types of homework from different subjects.....Help them to organise their work load & make sure they know all their deadlines....My girl has a planner and is very good at writing down what she needs to do and when it needs to be in for...

Know the teachers and what they're looking for.
 Attend school events such as parent evenings to meet your child's teachers....Ask about their homework policies and how you should be involved....

Stay calm.
It might become frustrating if you are trying to teach your child something and they do not seem to be grasping it but remember losing your patience will knock their self-esteem and could also stop them coming to you for help in the future...

Offer them a reward when the work is done.
Just something small....Something they need to work towards....It doesn't have to be money or sweets....Maybe a favourite movie or offering to play a game or do something with them that they always enjoy....

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