Monday, 5 October 2015

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal plan went pretty well....We ate just about everything from it....Saturday was a pretty grey day here. Not a day to be eating Prawn cocktail salad so Stu cooked a curry instead.....We had the salad for lunch yesterday which I didn't think I was going to eat....I think I caught Ellie's bug that she had during the week....I was only sick once but felt pretty rubbish all day....By the time I went to bed I did feel much better....

This week on the menu we have: 

Monday - Lasagne and garlic bread....
 Wednesday - Ham and cheese toasties....
 Thursday - Baked Bean Curry....
 Friday - We're going out for a meal after the kids have finished soon....
 Saturday - Pulled pork fajitas....
 Sunday - Roast chicken dinner....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. because we are so similar, I love coming to your blog for ideas! Had to comment today, because now I REALLY fancy a lasagna! haha xx

  2. Ohhh lasagne is such a good meal for the rainy weather. Have a fab week lovely x
