Friday, 23 October 2015

We're ready for the holidays - #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is.....

 The kids broke up for their half term holidays yesterday and we are so ready for them....We're tired. We're finding it so hard to get up on a morning even though we are going to bed at the normal time....I don't think it helps that is still dark outside when we're getting up but we'll have to get used to that as we have the whole winter to go....Eek!

The first half term back at school is always the hardest even though my girls have been going to school for years we still struggle....

We're planning on a couple of relaxing days then things get exciting....Becky and I are off to see One Direction in concert on Sunday.....Well that is if they're all feeling OK....One of them was poorly earlier in the week and a concert was cancelled....Since I bought the ticket Becky has lost interest in them but I'm sure once Sunday comes we will have a great time....It will be nice to have something just for Becky and I....

Next week we don't really have any plans....Well nothing major anyway....I have promised the kids a trip to McDonalds.....Mainly Ellie for being so good at school....She has had a full half term with no bad behavior....I am so proud!! We had her parents evening earlier in the week and it was mostly all good....She needs to concentrate more on her own work and not tell tales about what other children are doing....She is a bit of a busy body lol and she has to write more....The teacher has asked us is there something she loves that she could write about just so she can collect evidence that she can write in sentences with punctuation, paragraphs etc...We mentioned Minecraft and she said it is a good idea so they're going to start that after the holidays....

I am ordering some Pumpkins with the shopping on Saturday so we will have those the carve and some Christmas crafty things arrived from Baker Ross so we can get on with those...I'm hoping for a few lie in's and lots of fun times then hopefully when it is time to go back to school we will be full of energy and ready for the new term....

The Reading Residence


  1. I know what you mean about being ready for half term, we are SO ready. I haven't been this tired since I was recovering from my surgery. We're also having a quiet start to the break and then we have a few things planned for next week while the husband is around. x

    1. I hope you are feeling better now....Have a great half term x

  2. I am ready, too - my girl breaks up today and I am so looking forward to the break! Sounds like you have a nice chilled out week ahead, enjoy x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  3. Oh we are sooooo ready too. I'm so glad you said the first half term is he hardest, it's our first with z being in school and it's felt like a long few weeks!

    1. These last couple of weeks have really dragged....
      Have a great half term x

  4. Ah you always seem to have such fun with your girls on the hols! I hope this half term is the same and you enjoy 1D! Wow! Glad Ellie has been so must be proud X #wotw

    1. Aww! Thank you! We do try!
      I am so proud...She has been an absolute star x

  5. We feel like Ethan has only gone back to school as they returned late after the summer holidays. Ethan on the other hand is so ready for the break too as he has protested a bit this week getting on the school bus. I hope you enjoy One Direction and they are well enough to perform. Have a great half term holiday x

    1. Aww! Bless him....I hope they break leaves you feeling refreshed!
      Thank you!

  6. Have a great week - it sounds as if everyone's ready for a break, although I'm not sure I'm ready for the dark mornings and winter yet :) #wotw

    1. Ohh I hate the dark mornings...It's so hard to get motivated!
      Thank you!

  7. It doesn't seem 5 minutes since it was Summer hols, they come round quick! Have an awesome half term! #WoTW

    1. You're right....It doesn't seem that long since they went back!
      Have a great half term x

  8. Have a great week, sounds like you have lots of fun things planned :) x

  9. I'm so with you on being ready for half term too, the first term is most definitely the hardest. We have some exciting plans for this and next weekend but will be staying home in the week, relaxing and letting my big girls medication do it's stuff.

    1. I hope things go OK next week with the medication...Thinking of your girl x

  10. I so feel the same, especially as it is getting darker. I hope you have a lovely break and some down time :)

  11. Getting up in the morning when it's dark is so difficult. I'm sure I suffer from SAD but have yet to be diagnosed. Hope the concert goes ahead and you enjoy it as well as the many other activities you have planned. #wotw

  12. Hi Kim, we don't get half terms over here and when the children were younger I'd crave them. Just not having to get up and chase children round first thing, even just for a few days would have been bliss. I've only got one left at school, who is big enough and ugly enough to sort herself out in the morning (ne chasing). Although I do get up as I'm always awake early (read painfully), just don't speak to me after 9pm!

    I hope Becky felt the love fo One Direction again and enjoyed the concert. It's great that Ellie is behaving at school and if the McDonalds keeps her on the straight and narrow for the next half term then great stuff... I really must check out Minecraft as it keeps coming up, but I have n idea what it is!

    Hope you're having a jolly good half term!

