Friday, 9 October 2015

This week my Word of the Week is..... #WotW

It's that time of the year again where I have the pre-Christmas clear out. Toy boxes are getting sorted. I try to be ruthless and sort them when the kids are not here because they want to keep everything but I find it hard to throw things out....Toys that they have loved in the past but hardly play with anymore.....I have been through their clothes and passed Becky's down to Ellie and Ellie's which don't fit her anymore have been bagged up.....I now have quite a pile for the charity shop and another pile to give to the school....I know they are always running low on school trousers spares for when children have accidents....

Becky and I watch a lot of YouTubers....One we both watch is Sprinkle of Glitter. She dyed her hair pink and I thought it was just because she loves pink but then I saw her Pink Hair Story....Her story about losing her mum to cancer....Good grief! I cried all the way through.....Becky came home from school and went onto YouTube and mentioned it.....I wasn't sure about letting her watch it but I did and she got emotional too.....

Sprinkle of Glitter created a Just Giving page for Cancer Research and so far has raised over £22,000.....After Becky had finished watching the video she surprised me and said straight away that she wanted to donate this weeks pocket money.....I asked her if she was sure and she said "yes, if my pocket money could help cure cancer, that's a good thing! She said she didn't need sweets or anything & she'd rather help people.....I cried and hugged her and cried some more....I could not have been prouder of my girl....It was all her own decision and I didn't give her the idea.....I do love my girl!

Ellie hasn't been left out of giving this week either.....She gave me the bug she had last week....I felt like death warmed up on Sunday & Monday.....Thankfully I was only sick one but felt sick for a couple of days....Ugh! I feel fine now. Phew!

I wasn't the only one ill this week....We had an appointment at the hospital about Ellie's behaviour......I got a phone call at 10am on the day of the appointment saying the lady we were to see was ill so it has been cancelled and she will be in touch soon to make a new one....Ugh! I couldn't be angry as it couldn't be helped but it is frustrating....We've been waiting since June/July time for the appointment....I suppose a few more weeks isn't going to make a difference....

The Reading Residence


  1. What a wonderful thing for Becky to do, that is so caring of her, you must be very proud :-) I haven't watched the video but I must, cancer is just a nasty and horrible disease and noone should have to suffer. Popping over from #WotW :-)

  2. Awww how lovely is Becky! She's such a sweetheart bless her. My heart literally melted when I read about your sweet little girl and her giving away her pocket money!! Glad you're feeling better hon and u really hope you don't have such a long wait for your next hospital appointment. Xx

  3. That is a lovely thing to do, to give her pocket money like that.

  4. Ah, how lovely to give her pocket money like that, I'd have cried, too! Not quite so keen on Ellie giving you the bug, though! Hope you're better now x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  5. Being ill is really not nice - hope you are feeling much better now. Your daughter sounds very sweet, I can understand you being very proud of her over that. #wordoftheweek

  6. Be proud of Becky! Not many children would do that!

    I am in the middle of a clear out as well... I usually just end up chucking things, but I must really start donating to the charity shops.

    Laura x x x

  7. Hi Kim, I've been umming and ahhing about giving our house a good clear out, but I keep coming up with excuses (not a good example to my children). My daughter is into watching YouTubers and she too enjoys A Sprinkle Of Glitter, I never knew the reason why Louise has pink hair. How sad!

    I know we teach our children to share, but I keep telling mine that bugs really don't come into the sharing category! Hope you feel better this week.


  8. I've recenly dont the big clear out too 3 hours it took! How lovely of Becky to donate her pocket money such a lovely thing to do #WotW

  9. What a lovely thing for Becky to do.
    And glad you are feeling better now too :) x
