Monday, 30 November 2015

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal plan went great.....We ate everything planned....Becky didn't as she had her braces tightened and had soup and a lot of mash and gravy....She's eating again now....Phew! Her next appointment isn't until next year! Hooray!

This week I am planning on emptying the freezer and doing a shop from Iceland for the Christmas food to be delivered next week sometime....The meat and lots of party food!

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Leftover curry out of the freezer and rice....
Tuesday - Hamwiches, potato Croquettes and spaghetti hoops....
Wednesday - Some sort of battered chicken out of the freezer with noodles....
Thursday - Bolognese mix out of the freezer in taco shells....
Friday - Fish fingers, potato waffles and beans....
Saturday - Prawn stir fry....
Sunday - Sausages, bacon, hash browns, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and beans....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. I need to empty my freezer too!


  2. I have been on the freezer emptying mission too, thought it still seems so full! Sounds like a varied week and freezer clear outs mean quicker meals. Have a fab week x

  3. My week is looking very similar, and for the same reasons! (By the way, Hamwich.....bluegh, still hate them things) xx
