Saturday, 28 November 2015

Project 365 - Week 48

What a week....It has been challenging but a great one at the same time....I'm glad it's the weekend though. Time for Project 365

325/365 21st November 2015
New PJ's for my birthday! I love them.

326/365 22nd November 2015
I finally got around to blowing out my candles.

327/365 23rd November 2015
Waiting to go in to get Becky's braces tightened.

328/365 24th November 2015
I made sure I got Becky a treat from the book fair at Ellie's school.

329/365 25th November 2015
No photo I took one from Timehop.....It was either really chilly 5 years ago or we have toughened up to the cold. lol

330/365 26th November 2015
X marks the spot! Ellie drew on the living room wall. She should know better.....Her reason was she needed something to aim a ball at! It actually wiped off really easily!

331/365 27th November 2015 
Stu and Ellie playing Disney's Pictopia.


  1. I love your pyjamas too! Glad you finally got round to blowing your candles out. I remember how pain gulf having your braces tightened was - hope it wasn't too bad for her.

  2. ooops at the cros on the wall, seems like a good reason to me and thank goodness it wiped off
    Happy belated birthday, the cake looks yummy. Add 20 years onto it to get my age.
    We have had snow a lot of years before this time maybe thats why it was colder.
