Saturday, 6 August 2016

A photo everyday for a year! #Project366 - Week 31

I can't believe we're in August...This year is going way too quickly....

I have taken a lot of photos this week and some days it was hard to pick just one....These are my favourites from the week....

From Tuesday onwards I could have quite easily have taken a photo of the girls playing with play dough every day....I made some on Tuesday and they have had such fun with it...

There's always so many photos of my youngest Ellie but she loves to be in front of the camera.....My teen Becky is not so keen.

212/366 30th July.
Ellie's new favourite top. I want it!

213/366 31st July.
She's had this dressing up costume for ages and now it finally fits!

214/366 1st August.

215/366 2nd August.
Becky does love a Minion!

216/366 3rd August.
We had a fab delivery of jelly!

217/366 4th August.
Ellie always randomly breaks out into a dance. Usually I don't catch her in action...

218/366 5th August.


  1. I love Ellie's new Tshirt too! That is a lot of jelly! My daughter is always randomly dancing too. She can't even finish a meal without getting up to dance halfway through it.

    1. I want her t-shirt so much. hehehe
      hahaha at your daughter dancing mid-meal. I do imagine that of her though x

  2. Is it sad that I would love that dress up for myself!? None of my boys are fans of having their pics taken, so I can sympathise xx

    1. hehehe! Not at all...I want most of my girls clothes even the dress up one's. lol
