Monday, 29 August 2016

Happy Birthday to my baby!

Well she's not much of a baby anymore....My youngest Ellie is 9 today but she will always be my baby.....It's a cliche but it does not seem that long since she was born...

Over the last year she really seems to have grown up...At times she seems more like a tween or teenager....She has the attitude of one, is such a diva and keeps us on our toes but I wouldn't want her any other way....

Ellie has an answer for everything and if she can't do something she will find a way how too.....She is so sneaky. Sneaky in a cute way though. For example the other day she asked for a packet of crisps and a biscuit. I said she could have one or the other....She came out of the kitchen with her crisp packet bulging. The clever so and so stuffed the packet with biscuits....She is too clever for her own good.

Over the last year she has really done well at school....She had a change in attitude and knuckled down....It is crazy to think that she only has 2 more years left at Primary school....It scares me. I don't even want to think about her doing her SATS and going to secondary school....

She is looking forward to going back to school next week....She is going in to year 5 which seems so much more grown up than year 4.....It is on the other side of the school away from the younger children....She is determined to get her pen license this coming term....She felt hard done to when she didn't get it at the end of the school year as her writing has improved so much. Her writing is neater than mine when she puts her mind to it....

Over the last year Ellie has got so independent....She now picks most of her clothes to wear, she can cook some simple meals and actually helps with the housework when I ask her too....

She loves music and sings along to anything and everything but her favourites are Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Little Mix, Ed Sheeran and Beyonce.....

Ellie loves watching YouTube videos, especially the Minecraft one's which drive me crazy....

She still loves medical TV shows....24 hours in A&E, Childrens hospital and anything else she can find.....She recently started watch An hour to save your life on BBC2. I have to watch them first to make sure that they are not too traumatic for

Ellie is my little chicken....My little pudding who is always so happy and positive. She always brings a smile to my face and makes me laugh....

Happy Birthday little chicken!


  1. She sounds so much like Tilly, The Youtube, the music and the independance. Tilly says to me know ''I am almost 7, you know!''. But she will always be my baby too

  2. This is such a lovely post. I hope that she had an amazing birthday & gets her pen license at school soon xx
