Monday, 29 August 2016

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Here we are...We're into the last full week of the summer holidays....I don't want the summer to be over!

We still never got to go to the beach that we have been wanting to visit for the last 3 or so weeks.....We were going to but then remembered the Tall Ships were visiting Northumberland so yesterday we spent the day there.....We had a fantastic day. I will be blogging about it soon!

Today it's Ellie's birthday and we're hopefully having a BBQ. I am writing this Sunday evening and I'm hoping for sunshine and no rain! Keep your fingers crossed for us!

During the school holidays I will still be meal planning but not setting what days we're having everything on....It never works for us....

This week on the menu we have:

Ellie's birthday BBQ....
Healthy Pot Noodles....
Battered sausages, chips and beans....
Spanish rice with tuna....
Quiche and salad....
We're going to go out for Sunday Lunch....

What are you eating this week?

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