Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Hartley’s Jelly Pots - Review!

Did you know Hartley’s has been around for over 140 years.....Their brand has been part of my life for as long as I can remember and my girls are partial to a bit of Hartley’s jelly too....We have never tried the jelly pots until now....We were sent a fantastic Hartley’s jelly ‘Back to School’ lunch box with a full tray of their strawberry jelly....

The Hartley’s No Added Sugar jelly pots provide a quick and convenient snack. They only have 10 calories per pot, have no artificial colours & flavours and are fat and gluten free. There are five flavours to choose from including Strawberry, Raspberry, Orange, Tropical, Apple and Blackcurrant.

The girls loved the jelly.....They didn't realise it had no added sugar in. I could tell but a little less sugar is probably good for me...These are something I will be buying in the future. As well as being perfect for lunchboxes and picnics they would be perfect for a treat after the girls have eaten all their tea.

Ellie had great fun with the stickers that came to decorate the lunchbox....I thought it was such a lovely idea.

Hartley’s are gearing up for the Back to School season with an on pack collector scheme.....By collecting 12 promotional Hartley’s Jelly Pot lids you can redeem a special edition lunchbox along with an assortment of fabulously fun stickers.

You can buy the jelly pots from all major retailers from only 49p...Selected retailers will also be offering the pots at 25p throughout September so an additional reason to give them a try. 

We were sent the lunchbox, stickers and jelly free of charge....All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. My girls like these jelly pots too, great for a little lunchtime treat, especially having no added sugar. That lunchbox with the stickers is fab as well!

  2. Great post, I love these jellies! Good to know they are on offer next month! xo


  3. Harry loves these jelly pots! I love that lunchbox, it's fab! X
