Saturday, 13 August 2016

A photo everyday for a year! #Project366 - Week 32

We started the week with a lot of plans....Obviously when we make plans nothing goes right....Ellie has been poorly for three days. So the crafts we had planned and the days out have had to be postponed....There's always next week and there is rumor that the weather is going to be nicer. Hooray.

Onto a photo every day!

219/366 6th August.
Ellie had great fun decorating a packed lunch box from Hartley's Jelly which we reviewed.

220/366 7th August.

221/366 8th August.

222/366 9th August.
Having a mooch in the charity shop.

223/366 10th August.
Spaghetti Bolognese....Not bad for leftovers.

224/366 11th August.
Ellie was poorly so a lazy, PJ was in order.

225/366 12th August.
Root beer....I love it. My girls hate it. All the more for me. hehehe


  1. My plans always seem to get wrecked too! Hope Ellie is feeling better now and you manage to go on your days out this week!
