Saturday, 11 March 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 10 #Project365

Another week another set of photos for Project 365.....This past week has been a good one....There has been a lot of happy

63/365 - 4th March
Walking home from the school play rehearsals.

64/365 - 5th March
Sunday is now baking day.

65/365 - 6th March
My youngest finished writing up her homework project.

66/365 - 7th March
I need to buy some real flowers....This toy one in the vase just isn't cutting it.

67/365 - 8th March
Another trip to the park.

68/365 - 9th March
My teen's homework. All about a character from An Inspector Calls.

69/365 - 10th March
Ellie got sent home from school after being sick.....After a few of hours, some Calpol and a sleep she felt much better.


  1. Hope you got your flowers, love the idea of having a baking day too #365

  2. I like the idea of Sunday being a baking day.
    That homework looks pretty intense, lots of ideas of mind maps going well. Hope Becky got a good mark for it & that Ellie is much better. Oh the miracle of Calpol, even at that age!

    1. We made brownies Sunday just gone. It's nice to have a treat for after tea :)
      Thank you x

  3. and lots of pink...i remember doing An Inspector calls when i was in school, i've seen many plays and a film adaptation and re read it many times, i still have my book from school with my notes

    1. I think I need to rewatch it...My girl is getting so much homework about it lately x

  4. Poor Ellie! Glad she felt better so quickly and hope she is still OK now. We've had a pretty happy week too - I think it's because spring is here! :)

    1. She's fine now in fact after about 4 hours sleep she was back to normal.
      Thank you x

  5. Sunday sounds fun in your house. The inspector call homework reminds me of my own school days!

    1. It really is. Thank you.
      I did An Inspector Calls at school too.

  6. We did baking this weekend too. Makes a change because N usually gets bored halfway through.

  7. I love to hear about a happy week. Also I actually think the toy lover is very cheery. #365

  8. Love your flower, made me smile, but yes real ones may well be better.
    Did they make oat cookies while they were baking on the Sunday? Great habit to get them into.
