Friday, 17 March 2017

Two weeks nearly the same. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Sometimes I find it hard to come up with a word to describe my week....I didn't want to not write this blog post because I enjoy recapping what has gone on during the week but it feels very similar to last week....Lots of happiness, Joseph, homework and GCSE talk...

The highlight of our week was going to see Ellie sing in the choir at the school production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat....It was brilliant! I wrote a whole blog post about it. We had a great evening and there is already talk of putting on another show next year....

Becky had a meeting with the teacher in charge of the GCSE options and confirmed she has chosen well. I knew that anyway. hehehe He said there shouldn't be a problem with her studying her choices for her GCSE's which was the news we wanted to hear! Roll on September so she can get started....Becky has had more An Inspector Calls homework....She had to write a series of tweets as one of the characters....Instead of just writing them she went on PicMonkey and made them look like actual tweets....It was genius!

Ellie got sent home from school last Friday after being sick and it meant she didn't get her homework to do over the weekend....When she brought it home on Monday she wasn't keen on doing it until she realised that she had already done the maths homework sheet at the start of the school year.....

She went through and just copied the answers....hehehe She doesn't miss a trick. She said "why should she work it all out again when the school can't be bothered to give out new homework". I think she had a fair

We had a little blip in the middle of the week....The pilot light on the boiler went out and no matter what we tried we couldn't get it back on.....The boiler man was coming to do the gas safety check yesterday anyway so it was great timing....Our boiler is a back boiler and is under the fire in the living room.....He took it all to bits and gave it a good clean and had it working again in no time....A bit of dust had got in somewhere. There was nothing we could have done about it and we certainly couldn't have fixed it ourselves....Our boiler passed all the tests and is good for another year or until dust gets in it again. hehehe


  1. Ah, well done to Ellie in her show, glad she's feeling fine now. Love the tweets! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Thank you.
      The tweets were fab....She was all for making a twitter account up just to tweet them then taking

  2. I know what you mean about some weeks being the same, I get that a lot. But of course I do love joining in with word of the week and re-capping my week. Usually I find when I start jotting down each days events I come up with a word.

    1. I tried writing this post before picking a word and couldn't narrow it down to one. lol
      Thank you x

  3. Boiler problems are the worst! Mine keeps cutting out and my landlord is taking his sweet time in fixing it!

    Corinne x

    1. Ugh! We were so lucky the boiler man was coming anyway to do the safety check.
      I hope you get yours fixed soon x

  4. That's certainly a new way in which to retell An Inspector Calls. #WotW

    1. A way for the modern world. hehehe
      Thank you!

  5. Good job you got your boiler started again as this week Spring seems to be fading and winter is back with's freezing here today!

    I love Becky's ingenious work on PicMonkey. The tweets look really good, I hope she got exta marks for the extra effort!! Good news from her teachers too; gosh, I bet you can't believe she's getting ready for options already!??!

    I know what you mean about similiar; sometime the week goes by and you wonder what you've done but sometimes similar is good - nothing disasterous has happened..hehe!!

    1. Oh yes! After the last couple of days I am glad the boiler is working.
      She got the extra marks...Well house points. hehehe
      Similar is good....Thank you!

  6. Well done to Ellie with her performance in her show. I would have done exactly the same as she did with the homework! My twin sister and I were at different secondary schools for a couple of years (our choices) and sometimes we'd get the same homework at different times. Needless to say, the one who got it later took full advantage of the other having already done it! I love Becky's An Inspector Calls tweets - what a brilliant idea to use PicMonkey. Glad to hear your boiler has been fixed too :-) #WotW

    1. hehehe! Great idea with the homework.
      Thank you!
