Saturday, 18 March 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 11 #Project365

This past week has been a good one....We went to see my youngest perform in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, I had a few fab deliveries and our boiler broke and then was fixed within 24 hours.....Phew!

70/365 - 11th March

71/365 - 12th March
Ellie and Monkey.

72/365 - 13th March
More homework for my teen. She wrote tweets about An Inspector Calls.

73/365 - 14th March
We went to see the school production on Joseph.

74/365 - 15th March
The boiler was fixed and we had the gas safety check too....The man checking the gas fire always jokes that the only time we switch it on is for the safety check. He's right.

75/365 - 16th March
Baylis & Harding goodies for Mother's Day which I reviewed.

76/365 - 17th March
I was sent a lovely cake from The Co-op. It arrived a bit squished but cake is cake and it still tasted good!


  1. How exciting to see your girl in the school play. I love the tweets about An Inspector Calls. My daughter did a writing exercise in tweets at school recently. She came home and announced that you can only use 140 characters. You would think she would know that I knew that already, considering how much time I've spent on Twitter over the last five years!

    1. The play was brilliant.
      It's so cool how they use tweets in school work now. Oh, how things change.
      Thank you x

  2. Hi Kim, your daughter looks so engrossed in her studies! Well done her! And I bet you did the proud Mum bit at your youngest's performance, that's what us Mums do. I actually thought that was how the cake was meant to look, sort of mottled and marbled, but as you said a cake is a cake!

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.


    1. Thank you! My girls have really made proud x
