Thursday, 9 March 2017

Who I am loving on Youtube lately....

Every night when I go to bed and don't watch TV I can be found squinting at my phone with my headphones in watching You Tube videos....I know I shouldn't and I know it's bad for my sleeping habits....

Over the years of watching YouTube my viewing habits have changed.....Almost a year ago I wrote a blog post like this sharing what I was loving on You Tube....I still look forward to watching The Michalaks on a Sunday and Brummy Mummy's videos but I went off The Shaytards shortly before the big scandal broke about Shay Carl....Eek! (Google it. hehehe) 

Philip DeFranco has a video every evening he talks about news centered around current events, politics, YouTube and celebrity gossip....I really got into watching him when Donald Trump was campaigning to be president.....I have found myself actually learning things from his "show".....He does swear a tiny bit so it's not for children's ears but I find him funny, informative and a great way to find out what's going on in the world.....

I have only just started watching Emma on YouTube. She also blogs at My Pretty Mummy

I really like her day's in her life videos. I love watching normal people doing normal things....Watching YouTube you see these beautiful, stunning homes, the perfectly dressed children and amazing days out....I know real life isn't like that all of the time so watching Emma makes me feel normal. She sometimes has a messy house, she runs late for school and is a really down to earth, lovely person.....

I am not usually a fan of "beauty" things on YouTube but I do like Emily Canham's vlog channel which isn't focused as much on beauty it's all about her daily life....She is such a lovely young lady (Eesh I feel so old saying that)....

Joe Sugg is the brother of the famous Zoella he doesn't live off her fame though.....I really like him. He does his own thing. Well the same thing as a lot of other YouTubers do but I like him better than other YouTubers. His pranks really have me laughing especially when he gets his friends involved. I also like is daily vlog channel but he isn't a daily vlogger. hehehe

Becky introduced me to the twins Niki and Sammy....I think they are hilarious together....They have such a dry sense of humor.

They also talk about a lot of important subjects, do reaction, day in the life and challenge videos. As a nearly 40 year old woman I am probably not their target audience but they make me smile.....

The lovely Victoria also blogs at Verily, Victoria Vocalises. I have been following her series called the The Conception Diaries for well over a year all about trying for a baby....

Now I am so happy to be following her pregnancy!! I have cried tears of sadness and also tears of joy following her story....I am so happy for her family.

Who are you loving on YouTube?


  1. I really must watch youtube, I never do. Thanks for the recommendations

  2. I rarely watch YouTube, except to see what the kids are getting up to, I tend to watch TED talks instead. (does that make me a grown up, hehe) I have watched some of Victoria's vlogs, she's so lovely and I'm so so happy for her now that she's having a little boy. x

    1. I think my girls watch more YouTube than actual TV. lol
      Ahh! Victoria is so lovely. I am so happy for her family x

  3. Hi Kim, my daughter enjoys watching YouTube and I often see her watching Joe Sugg as well as Zoella. I tend to only use YouTube when I want to know something, like how to teach the dog something or cosmetic reviews if I am on the lookout for something particular.

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.


    1. hehehe! My fella only watches YouTube for instruction videos too. It is so useful in that way. Thank you x

  4. Fab choices! We like watching youtube too. I love James Corden's Carpool Karaoke, but he hasn't done one for a couple of months now. I watch loads of different channels x

    1. Ahh! It has been ages since James Corden did a new Carpool Karaoke. They are hilarious.

  5. i have youtube running most of the day but i watch documentaries and things i can learn from. i've tried watching bloggers but really don't find it interesting at all, I'm afraid to say #pocolo

    1. Ahh! I am a sucker for real life so vlogs are for me...
      It makes total sense watching things you can learn from. :) x

  6. I'm going to have to check these out. #PoCoLo

  7. I'm going to have to explore some of these people - I do need to get more into YouTube to keep up with the kids!

  8. To be honest I've never got on very well with YouTube, I just don't find the time to sit and watch videos. I always end up thinking if I've got the time to watch the videos I could be doing something else productive! I know, I need to slow down! :)
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo
