Friday, 23 June 2017

A broken washing machine & no towels. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I have been trying to come up with a word but nothing much has happened and what has seems to have revolved around washing! 

Over the weekend we had glorious sunshine which was perfect for father's day.....The beginning of the week was lovely too.....The kids had been playing in the paddling pool for days. Ellie has decided that if she goes in the paddling pool she doesn't need a bath or shower. I had to tell her it doesn't work like that. lol The kids had used nearly all the towels drying themselves, putting on the floor and they even dropped a couple in the paddling pool.....It's not like we don't have a lot of towels. We have about 20 big one's. The kids just got a bit carried away. lol

Of course my washing machine decided it would be the perfect time to break down again when we were in desperate need of towels.....

According to twitter (I checked) It was only the 15th of May last time we got the washer repaired. A wire had came loose inside which meant it would run through the wash cycle but the drum wouldn't actually move.....The same thing happened again.....The engineer was hopeless this time. Complaining of a bad back, our kitchen been too small to work and saying we are over filling the washing machine....Last month the other engineer had no problems. Grr! He thinks he has secured the loose wire but I'm secretly hoping he hasn't.....The repair/care plan we have says that if something breaks down 3 times with the same fault we get a brand new appliance for the same value. We've had our washer about 7 years so we're due a new one....hehehe

So our washer was fixed by Wednesday lunchtime....That's when the heavens decided to open and we had a thunder storm....Ugh! Yesterday I managed to get a load dried inside and one on the line when the sun decided to show it's self.....All morning it had looked like rain.

Becky has been struggling at school with the heat....Her school has a glass roof and huge windows so it is basically a big greenhouse....She has been coming in every day and going straight in the shower just to cool down....More towels On Wednesday evening she was using hand towels to dry herself. lol 

I still have a couple of baskets of washing to catch up with and the beds need changing. It's a good job the weather hasn't been that warm here the last couple of days. I would have had a right job keeping Ellie out of the pool but at the same time I need some sunshine to dry the


  1. What a washing week for you. Frustrating to have the washing machine go on strike. (Chuckling how we now use social media to check when things happened!)It has been fabulous getting washing out on the line. We're still waiting for the rain. So I'm busy emptying my wash basket, before two loads of camping gear make it home! #wotw

    1. I hope you have caught up with washing the camping gear. Eek!
      Thank you x

  2. I can't believe your washing machine broke down again so soon, it's definitely time for a new one. I hate towels, I'm forever washing them. x

    1. I know! It's rubbish. I refuse to pay for a new one. The cover plan we have means we get one the same or equal price to ours when it finally breaks. hehehe
      Thank you x

  3. It really has been all about washing! When the sun shines I get as much as I can done, my husband laughs at me! Fingers crossed your machine will break again soon then ;-) x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Ohh! I love getting washing on the line too.
      I'm keeping my fingers crossed too. hehehe
      Thank you x

  4. Oh goodness that sucks about the washing machine, thank goodness the cooler weather is back! X #wotw

    1. Ahh! We have had rubbish weather here...It's rained all day. Ugh! x

  5. That's every parents nightmare I think, trying to manage with no washing machine. I'm glad you could get it repaired so quickly. Have a lovely weekend. #WotW

  6. Washing is an endless task! A broken machine, even for a few days is a nightmare!

  7. Oh no! what a time for the washing machine to break down..not that there is ever a good time.. glad you got it sorted though. Washing does tend to breed doesn't it LOL
