Monday, 19 June 2017

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Another week....Another meal plan.

Last weeks meal plan went pretty well....When I was writing it I knew it was Father's day yesterday but forgot to factor it in to the meal plan.....We ended up getting a takeaway which was just as well. I don't think I could have cooked a chicken casserole in the heat! Wasn't it such a lovely weekend.....I like it when it's hot as long as I don't have to go outside or move much. hehehe

My fella is on late shifts all this week. Ugh. So he won't be eating with the girls and I which means I will be keeping things simple. hehehe. He will make something himself when he gets in....

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Roast chicken dinner.....
Tuesday - BLT pasta salad....
Wednesday - Hot dogs in buns with fries....
Thursday - Prawn cocktail salad....
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - Breaded Chicken Goujons, coleslaw and potato salad....
Sunday - A stir fry of some sort....

What are you eating this week?


  1. I ma loving salad in this heat X #mmbc

  2. I tend to do easy things in the summer since it's hot, but yesterday I actually made lentil soup. I make it almost weekly in the winter. It is stove top so it didn't heat up the kitchen and really hit the spot.

    1. The soup sounds delicious. I cooked a roast on Monday and ended up eating it at about 9pm when it cooled down a bit. hehehe
      Thank you x

  3. I've popped over for some meal inspiration and I've got it. BLT pasta salad sounds like the perfect meal in this heat! Thank you!

    Enjoy your roast dinner tonight :)


    1. It was delicious and perfect for this weather x

  4. We were going to have a roast yesterday but didn't due to the heat. I think hot dogs sound very nice and a great choice for this heat #mmbc

    1. I ended up eating the roast about 9pm. lol
      The girls made their own hot dogs. It was a lazy evening for me :D x

  5. I was having salad for tea today - but it turned into biscuits...... almost the same?

  6. Mmmm I want your dinner tonight! The BLT pasta salad sounds delicious! I'll be popping over to have a look! Hope you have a lovely week x #mealplanningmonday

    1. We have loved all the meals so far this week. Thank you x

  7. I always do super easy dinners when hubby is on nights, so much easier. Have a great week lovely x
