Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Night nurseries......

Sweden has introduced round the clock childcare for busy working parents and this includes nurseries which are open at night so babies and children can sleep there if their parents are working....

 As Swedish parents work more unconventional hours so local councils are increasingly providing more overnight and weekend childcare services.....

Toddlers arrive at night nurseries in time to eat dinner, clean their teeth and then enjoy a bedtime story with a member of staff.

In the morning, staff will zip them into their padded snow suits and can wheel them by buggy to a nearby day centre while parents sleeps off their night shift.

Night nurseries are used by almost 5000 children in Sweden.

What do you think? 

I actually think if you have to go out to work it is a great idea...Of course the best place for children is tucked up in bed at home but the way shift patterns often work it's not going to be every night....

You could do a night shift, get a couple of hours sleep and then be around for your children during he day.....Rather than missing out on their day time fun time you are missing out on them sleeping. A much better concept in my eyes.

I think it would be a good option and could be really beneficial for single parents who don't have a partner at home for childcare. The more options available the better.....

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