Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Twitter does good!!

I had a problem with British Gas yesterday with my account....Without going into too much detail I owe them money but they owe me money too and the money owed was supposed to be paid by the 31st of March at the latest from them....Therefor clearing my account of any debt....

I had the debt department from British Gas ring me saying I owe the money when will it be paid? I said as soon as you're paying it by the 31st of March and explained it confused them....The person I was speaking to sounded like she was speaking from a script and anything which deviated from it confused her....She said they don't owe me money...End of! So I asked to speak to someone else and she tried to put me through but the phone went dead...

I rang back up and spoke to another robot who said no there is no record of it and the bill needs paying....Then did the online chat on their website and got disconnected halfway through. I was livid!!

Then I had a thought....TWITTER!!

I complained on there and got a tweet back within minutes...

I directly messaged them and within 9 minutes the whole thing was sorted!! I spent over an hour speaking to people on the phone and got nowhere!!

Now I know this is the age of social media but how is it even right that I get more sense from someone through Twitter than speaking to someone on the phone?

Some people have already said 'Oh British Gas is rubbish' but I've never had a problem with them until today....Seems like there has been a change of call center staff...

A complaint has been made I'll see what happens.... 


  1. It's there for the whole world to see on twitter. Annoying but at least you got somewhere :)

