Today is Comic Relief day.....
The day when people do unusual things to raise money....My girls are having a non-uniform day at school & selling cakes & sweets with all the profits going to comic relief....All pretty normal unlike these things which people have done to raise money around the world....
Cow Pie Bingo..
The rules for this event, which took place in rural Vermont, are simple. You take bets on which square the cow takes a dump in then sit back (well back) and let nature takes its course. Ah the simple life.
Bieber Torture...
Sadistic students at Evanston Township High School in Illinois played
Justin Beiber's 'Baby' on repeat over the P.A. system until they reached
their $1,000 target for their new café and arts centre. Unsurprisingly,
they managed to reached their goal in three days.
The ladies of a small village in New Zealand turned their boobs into art
to raise money for breast cancer, creating paintings that varied from
pandas to cherries, Christmas puddings and bubble bees. Fancy doing your
own? Paint your boobs/moobs and squish them onto paper plates, then try
and make it look like something.
Spider lock-in...
Australian Nick Le Souef locked himself behind a glass shop window for three weeks for children’s charity 'Variety' with 300 poisonous spiders. They call him 'Spiderman' I call him 'mental'.
Australian Nick Le Souef locked himself behind a glass shop window for three weeks for children’s charity 'Variety' with 300 poisonous spiders. They call him 'Spiderman' I call him 'mental'.
Over a hundred nearly-naked Santas ran through the freezing streets of Hungary dressed only in their underwear or swimsuits. Very naughty, not very nice.
Leicester man donates testicle to charity...nearly
When 24 year old Joe Cooper decided to get his pubes waxed in his local pub in order to raise money for his local hospital, little could he imagine he would actually end up there when a heavy-handed friend tore off six of his seven layers of skin. He nearly lost his...err...manhood but on the bright side, he raised £3,000!
What you did slowly over the years, Steve Misiura did in 84 hours as he watched 238 episodes of 'Friends' for charity. He documented the ordeal with a website and pictures and doesn’t he look happy?! Guess there's only so many times you can to listen to, "WE WERE ON A BREAK" before crackin
Sheriff gets tasered...
In South Carolina, Sheriff Leon Lott volunteered to be shocked with a taser every time $1,000 was raised for the Richland County Sheriff’s Foundation. A crazy idea, considering this guy probably has made a lot of enemies in his job and something he probably realised when one enthusiastic donor gave $2,000.
In South Carolina, Sheriff Leon Lott volunteered to be shocked with a taser every time $1,000 was raised for the Richland County Sheriff’s Foundation. A crazy idea, considering this guy probably has made a lot of enemies in his job and something he probably realised when one enthusiastic donor gave $2,000.
Whatever you are doing to raise money today....Have fun!!
I did a Comic Relief nail art thing, I posted a picture on my blog, would love for you to check it out :D I love what I have seen of your blog so far! I am a new follower.