Thursday, 22 August 2013

Help your child get ready for school....

Starting school is a big milestone for both your child and you...

 There are many things you can do to help your child get ready for school but most don’t involve anything particularly academic...It's mainly just simple life skills!

Make sure your child knows how to go to the toilet and the importance of washing their hands afterwards!!

Get your child to practice taking off and putting on there coat...If they can do it fast they'll have more time to play outside with there new friends.....Forget fiddly fastening and hard-to-do-up zips....Pick a coat that's a doddle to do up for little fingers.Same goes for PE. Easy slip on sand shoes and elasticated waistbands do away with problems with laces, buttons and zips!!

For school dinners make sure your child can use a knife and fork....If they have packed lunches check that your child can open her lunch box and that she knows how to peel a banana and take the lid off a yoghurt pot...

It really helps if your child can recognise their own name....It'll help them find their peg and drawer but to start with probably have a little identifying picture of an object, like a frog or a doll near their name to help them. They may even have a photo of themselves!

A pet hate of some teachers is snotty noses! Make sure your child can wipe their nose with a tissue or hanky!!

Your child needs to realise that at school it's not all about them...Which is a pretty hard lesson for some children to learn if they have had years of individual attention at home! They need to know how to share, that they can't hit other children or throw tantrums!!

Good luck to all the little one's starting school!!


  1. Some great pointers that I think are really important. Because my son had only just turned 4 when he started school I felt it was really important he was ready prepared as I didn't want him getting left behind by the older pupils

  2. Great pointers, and I wish all the other children the best of luck in starting.
    This reminds me of how far behind my son is. My other lad is just going into year 1 and could easily achieve all this.
