Monday, 12 August 2013

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Hello!! Monday again....These school holidays are flying over....I must do the dreaded 'back to school' shop this week...I don't want to leave it until the last minute! I don't need as much as I thought I did though just trousers, coats, socks and shoes...

I also need to sort the freezer out too.....I seem to be putting leftovers in there as well as buying stuff and we're not actually eating any of it....This week I'm going to try and empty that a bit so we'll be having lots of leftovers....
It's my fellas birthday this week so we'll have to do something special for that....Probably a meal out....

This week we're having....
(In no order) 

Home made Pizza's which the kids will be making....
Sausage Casserole & Mash (I have about 4 tubs of it in the freezer)....
Chicken Curry (leftovers again)....
Fish, chips and mushy peas....
Bolognese mix (out the freezer) in Tortilla wraps....
A meal out somewhere...
Chicken dippers, wedges and beans....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful At Home With Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...


  1. Must make some pizzas too, haven't in quite a while!
    Good luck with the back to school shop, I need to do one too, boo x

  2. I'm the same with the freezer - I've got loads of stuff in there and yet I keep buying more in. Must sort it out....

    Yummy sounding meal plan!

