Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Nathalia Buttface & The Most Embarrassing Five Minutes of Fame Ever - Book Review!

Becky does plenty of reading when she is at school so during the holidays I like to keep her reading.....She does love reading but sometimes can be more tempted to play Minecraft.....I haven't been short of books for her to review so far these holidays and she has finished her second already.....

Nathalia Buttface & The Most Embarrassing Five Minutes of Fame Ever is the third book in this fun-filled trilogy for girls, written by Nigel Smith.

Nathalia finally gets her 15 minutes of fame but the attention she’s getting is not the right kind! Her embarrassing Dad has filmed an even more embarrassing video of her that has gone viral- all the attention is turning on her for all the wrong reasons.

This is what Becky had to say about this book....

I thought it was very funny. Her dad is so embarrassing just like mine. This book is so easy to read and great for girls of my age (12) It made me laugh, cringe and giggle.

I watched Becky reading this book now and again and she certainly was giggling to herself....There were times when I asked her to do something and she said "just one more page" which is always a good sign when she is reading a book. She sped through reading it and totally enjoyed it....

I skimmed through the book and it did seem very funny....There was a lot that I read that Becky and girls her age could relate to....Obviously the embarrassing dad, the pressure of being a teenager and adults which just don't understand you.....

This bit made me laugh out loud....

"Being a famous pop star killed her stone dead" said Bad news nan.
Why did being a pop star kill her nan? asked Nat, slightly worried.
"She was a singer in a band on this big cruise ship. Biggest one ever, it was. Unsinkable, they said. Then it hit an iceberg and that was the end of her.
There was a long pause....
Then Dad said: "Do you mean the Titanic Mum?
"That's the one"
"That sunk over 100 years ago, Nan" said Nat.
"Rubbish. I saw the film on the telly last Christmas. It was in colour. They didn't have telly back then, let alone colour....

If you want a book idea for your tween or teenage girl this would be perfect.....Boys may enjoy it too but I think it is aimed more at girls.

I think we are certainly going to have to read the other books in the series.....Nathalia Buttface and the Most Embarrassing Dad in the World is top of Becky's list.....
Family Fever
We were sent this book free of charge in exchange for our honest review....All thoughts and opinions are our own.


  1. The book sounds like a great read. We need funny reads to encourage reading :-)

  2. Sounds like a fun book, I bet my daughter would love it :)

  3. What a lovely review. Sounds like a great book, especially love the title :)
