Friday, 28 August 2015

We can't wait for the Weekend - #WotW

This week my word of the week is....

I have been doing a lot of planning this week for the weekend....We have a busy one and the girls and I have been wishing the week away which is a bit silly as it has been the last full week of the school holidays....

It's Ellie's birthday tomorrow and she has planned her ideal day......She's going to get up and open her presents, have a fancy breakfast, visit the soft play, come home and play, have Chinese for tea, blow her candles out on her Frozen cake and eat a lot of sweets while watching X-Factor....Sounds perfect to me and that's exactly what we're going to do....

BUT with a big surprise for her in the middle of her day.....Just before Christmas she started asking for a Doc-Mobile....It's full name is the Doc McStuffins Get Better Talking Doc - Mobile Clinic (it's bigger than it looks in the picture)....As it was just before Christmas we didn't get it as I had already bought her main present and this cost about £60.....A few months ago I bought it and it has been hidden away....She hasn't a clue. We have said since it is quite expensive it is the type of present that Santa brings.....We have bought her a new tablet as she dropped hers and smashed the screen a few months ago so she will think that is her main present....hehehe She can open her presents and do everything she wants to....I will then take the girls to the soft play and Stu can get the Doc-Mobile out ready for us to return....I can't wait to see her face!!

I had no intention of buying Ellie a new tablet....I thought she had enough but then when I was wrapping her presents I realised I have spent way more on Becky for her birthday! I like to treat both my girls the same and that includes having the same spent on them.....So Wednesday saw me rushing to order a tablet....I ordered it to arrive today so I didn't have to pay the £8 for next day delivery.....It actually arrived yesterday so I am glad I didn't pay the £8.....

Also this weekend I have my great Aunty Jean, my nephew and his mum coming to visit....Yay! I don't see my family very often so when they visit it is very exciting.....

My dad has been shopping for the girls birthdays and wanted to get them some Minecraft things.....He knew nothing about Minecraft until the other day.....He was stood in Toy's R Us looking at everything baffled....Bless him! He rang me very confused asking if he was looking at the right things. Zombies, skeletons and pigs Oh my! I said when he comes and visits I'm sure the girls will tell him all about it.....hahaha We're expecting the parcel to arrive today or tomorrow....

Thank you for all the messages on my Word of the week post last week.....I'm glad to say I am feeling much better and this week has been a much better week.....


  1. What an exciting weekend! I hope Ellie has the day she is dreaming on and is delighted with her Doc-Mobile x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. I hope Ellie has a great birthday, it's my daughters birthday on Monday but we're having some celebrations over the weekend.

  3. Eekk it sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned, Happy Birthday to Ellie!

  4. I definitely hope Ellie has a great birthday - it's my sisters birthdays on Saturday and we're going for food for it tomorrow :) x

  5. AAhhhhh it sounds likes she will have an amazing time I bet she will be over the moon when she is given her gift ;-)

  6. Glad you've had a better week, hope this weekend is an absolute smasher - I bet her face will be a picture! enjoy! :) #wotw

  7. Happy Birthday! I hope this weekend is amazing and you manage to make lots of memories.

  8. Hope Ellie has a fab birthday! Bet she's so excited!x

  9. Aww my fave part of birthdays are the gifts! Sounds like you have planned everything well! #wotw

  10. Looks like Ellie is going to have a great day. Caitlin is 8 in November and wants 'heelies' - let's hope she'll be able to walk / move in them!

  11. Ah what a lovely plan! I hope she has a fabulous birthday! X

  12. Aw I do hope Ellie has had a great birthday x

  13. Is there anything better than seeing a child's face on their birthday when you surprise them?! How lovely! I hope you all have a wonderful day! xx

  14. That weekend is so exciting both for the little birthday girl and the mum ! Well done x
