Saturday, 29 August 2015

Project 365 - Week 35

 Ahh! So that's it....The last full week of the school holidays is gone! I feel like crying a little.....The last 6 or so weeks have flown over.....I'm back again linking up with Project 365....A photo every day for a year.....

234/365. 22nd August 2015

We got to grips with Hue Animation Studio....We love it! 

235/365. 23rd August 2015

As normal a lazy Sunday with a lot of computer time....

236/365. 24th August 2015

With all her teddies she leaves hardly any room for herself....

237/365. 25th August 2015

A huge fry up! Yum!

238/365. 26th August 2015

Ellie had a busy afternoon drawing and sticking....

239/365. 27th August 2015

Probably our last PJ day of the school holidays....Sob! 

240/365. 28th August 2015

I finished wrapping Ellie's birthday presents yesterday....It is her birthday today.....My baby is eight! 


  1. 8 hey?! Where does time go? I hope she has had a brilliant day today (and you too!) Xx

  2. Happy birthday to your baby! It's sad that the holidays are nearly over, although my kids have been getting on each others' nerves lately, so maybe it's time for them to go back!

  3. Looks like a very happy week in photos to me! Hope Ellie had a fab birthday x

  4. Love this idea. Do you publish the photos on your blog on a weekly basis? They grow so fast and this is a great way of remembering them

    1. Yes! I have posted every week since the start of the year....It is a great way to remember the everyday things in life. Thank You!

  5. gosh it goes so quick when they are that age. hope your daughter had a wonderful birthday x

    1. Time flies when you're having fun! Thank You!

  6. What a lovely week of things you have been up to. I love the idea of photos to remember the week by. x

  7. Looks like you had a busy and lovely week. I'm sure Ellie had fab birthday. xx

  8. Hope Ellie had a great birthday :) it's our last day of holidays today - boo to school :( Kaz x

  9. Catching up a bit! Looks like your last full week was fun, aren't pajama days great?! Hope Ellie had a lovely birthday x
