Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Dotty Detective - Book Review.

Ellie has been kept busy the last few days reading a new book called Dotty Detective.

Dotty Detective focuses on the adventures of a curious schoolgirl sleuth called Dot, and her faithful hound McClusky. 

This book is aimed at 5 to 8 year old's and is perfect for Ellie who is 8 and loves to read.

"Meet Dorothy Constance Mae Louise, or Dot as she prefers to be called! Dot loves super-sour apple sherberts, running fast and puzzles – especially if they’re fiendishly tricky. And with the help of trusty sidekick, Beans and TOP DOG, McClusky, she is always ready to sniff out a mystery. So when mean girl Laura seems set on sabotaging the school talent show, Dot is determined to find out how, and save the day…”

Dotty Detective is written in the form of a diary and reminded me of the Diary of a Wimpy kid books.....It is just the sort of book which Ellie loves....It has fantastic illustrations and kept Ellie interested as it wasn't just lots of text....

Ellie has been reading this all weekend and is more than halfway through so she obviously likes it....If she wasn't keen on a book she would just lose interest and not bother with it. She said it's funny and will read it to the end then read it again....

This book can be bought from Amazon for £5.99

Family Fever
We were sent this book free of charge to review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.


  1. Even at 10 I think my daughter would love this book, as she loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. Nice to see a detective book aimed at girls #TriedTested

    1. It is nice to see a detective book aimed at girls...
      Thank you!

  2. We're very much looking forward to reading Dotty Detective :) The diary format is great for beginner readers.


    1. It's a great book. She's just about finished it. I think I'll be needing to buy her the 2nd one when it's released.

  3. It looks fab, it is so lovely when they really get into a book #triedtested

  4. We've just been sent this! We've not finished reading it yet but so far we're enjoying it :) x #triedtested

  5. I love the look of the inside, it's well illustrated and just right for progressing readers #TriedTested

  6. This looks amazing, it would be the type of book I would have loved when I was younger =)
