Thursday, 30 June 2016

In June I have been.....

I thought at the end of every month I would do a little recap of the month. Tell you about the things that I have been loving, hating, watching and so on....

Blogs. Lots of blogs. It's the only reading I do now a days. At the moment I seem to be reading a lot of Angela's blog Days In Bed. She is such a lovely person, an inspiration and blogs about a bit of everything. Do go and have read.

Listening to.
100% Clubland. It's not usually the music I would listen to now but I did used to love it years ago. A lot of it is so cheesy but there are a lot of songs which hold great memories for me.

Euro 2016. I have seen nearly every match. The only one's I've missed are were the one's where they were on at the same time. I'm gutted England were knocked out but they deserved it. They were hopeless. Now I want Wales or Iceland to win and yes I will continue to watch all the matches.

How to Double my Blog’s Traffic....I read a blog post from Love from Mim and it got me thinking and working on my blog. It's all about spring cleaning your older posts. It feels like it's going to take me forever as I have just under 1500 blog posts but I will get there eventually.

The Life Science Centre in Newcastle. We went to see the Animal Inside Out exhibition and had such an amazing and interesting day.

Eating and Drinking.

At the beginning of the month we made the Coconutty Chicken Strips which we loved. I need to slot them into our meal plan again soon. I am loving the Nestle Pick And Mix which includes Smarties, Aero bubbles, Toffee Crisp bite size and Rolo's and I am drinking a lot of the Orange Mango Passion Fruit Smoothie from Tesco. It is so refreshing, especially with lots of ice in.

The new clothes I got from Everything Five Pounds. I was in desperate need of some new tops so bought quite a few.

Game of Thrones.....In May I watched it because there was nothing else on TV. By June I loved it. I have tried to watch it from the beginning and just couldn't get into it but this series has got me hooked....Wow! I love the title of last weeks episode "Battle of the B******ds...hehehe It really did make me chuckle and the finale. I think I might have to give it a try from the beginning again....

The warmer weather (apart from this week)....I would say I have have disliked the rain but sometimes it has been nice to have a bit to clear the air.

The nastiness that the EU Referendum caused....We are all entitled to our own opinion. We need to respect that not everyone has the same views.

Looking forward to.
The six weeks summer holidays. 20 days and counting. We are ready for the break.

How did your month go?


  1. I would love to double my blog traffic! My ranking is going down and I cant seen to at least stop it from going down! I need help! #pocolo

  2. Sounds a great month - referendum aside. And I've been loving the football too, although the final is a little dull. Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo and sorry it's taken me a while to get here x

  3. Sounds great! I haven't watched any of the football, it doesn't interest me but I did hear England were pretty rubbish. I can't wait for the summer too - the boys are so looking forward to it. :)
    Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo xx
