Monday, 15 January 2018

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Another week, another meal plan....

Last weeks meal plan all went to plan....A couple of days there were leftovers which I quite happily ate for lunch....I think I am going to have to make more meals like this. It stops me just eating rubbish during the day....

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Slow cooked pork and pineapple curry with rice and naan bread....
Tuesday - Baked Sweetcorn Fritters, potato wedges and sweet & sour sauce....
Wednesday - Sausage And Bean Casserole with some nice bread buns....
Thursday - It's Becky's parents evening so something quick like beans on toast....
Friday - Fish & chips....
Saturday - Corn dogs, sausage rolls, mini pizza's, corn on the cob, spring rolls....A nice and easy tea!
Sunday - Lasagne and garlic bread....

What will you be eating this week?


  1. The sausage and bean casserole sounds really nice. I will have to make that this week, but with quorn sausages #MMBC

  2. Whoo sounds tasty Kim. I have never tried slow cook pork and pineapple curry before, it sounds tasty :) #MMBC

    1. It's my first time too. hehehe It smells good :D x

  3. I see your still loving the slow cooker X #mmbc

  4. I've shopped at a different supermarket this week so I'm hoping it will work out. On Saturday we are going out for my eldest's birthday to a Korean BBQ. Apparently you go to the restaurant and the BBQ is in the middle of the table. they then cook the food there on the table for you. My son's birthday meal is always an experience, thankfully I don't have to buy him a present as well!

    1. I love the sound of the Korean BBQ. It sounds like a lot of fun! x

  5. That slow cooker pork and pineapple sounds delicious, have you had it before?

    1. Nope. I've made fruity curries before but never in the slow cooker. It's smelling good so it seems to be going well x

    2. OOh look forward to seeing what you think of it then!

    3. It was so good...Fruity but not too fruity. :D x

    4. Great thanks I think I may give it a go!

  6. Oh I love the sound of the pork and pineapple curry - will have to check that out x

    1. It is smelling so good. I can't wait to eat it x

  7. Love the idea of that curry. Putting pineapple in savoury dishes is actually one of my favourite things to do. I love the contrast. I'm looking forward to cooking fish pie this week and I've got a Squash, ricotta and sage pasta baked planned for our vegetarian night.

    1. Pineapple in savoury dishes is a bit of a marmite thing. You either love it or hate it. I love it. My teen doesn't even like pineapple but she ate it tonight without realising. hehehe The fish pie sounds delicious x

  8. Slow cooked pork curry sounds amazing, I love reading your meal plans

    1. Ohh! It was so good! I have some left for tomorrow too! I can't wait! Thank you x

  9. Love the variety of your meals, mine tend to be a bit samey. Must think more about it! x

    1. Thank you!
      It's only over the last couple of years that we have eaten different things. :D x

  10. Mmm mmm some nice ideas there! Good luck with this weeks meal planning. #MMBC

  11. That curry sounds so nice, i am off to look at the recipe. Lasange is always a winner here. Have a great week Kim X

    1. The curry was amazing! We will be having it again soon.
      Thank you x

  12. Ohh I am liking the sound of Saturday! :) A fantastic meal plan for the week, lasagna is always my go to meal, especially in this weather! Sim xx #PoCoLo

    1. We love a fun tea on a Saturday. hehehe
      Thank you x

  13. I've finally managed to get into meal planning a whole week at a time, rather than either just a day ahead or whilst at the supermarket. And now I'm wondering why I didn't do it like this years ago. I did a breakfast type casserole (for tea) in my slow cooker this week with sausage, beans, egg and bacon.

  14. Oooh the curry sounds so good! Hope you had a good week. Thank you for sharing with #MealPlanningMonday x
