Friday, 19 January 2018

Tooth trouble. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Ellie my youngest has had a wobbly tooth for over a week and it has caused some trouble....It was the pointy one at the front (the Incisor) and it has caused so much trouble....The new tooth coming through had came through over it so wasn't really pushing the baby tooth out...

All week Ellie has refused to eat properly....She's not the best at eating breakfast to start with so add a wobbly tooth and we have a whole heap of drama....She was actually late for school on Tuesday. We had tears and tantrums. We spoke to one of the teachers who was understanding thankfully. I always feel so bad when she is late for school (which isn't often) but when she is it's usually because of her behaviour and attitude...

Becky was at the dentist for a filling on Monday night which went fine....We were told when she had her braces taken off she would probably need a little bit of work so one filling didn't seem too bad....

Ellie went along too. Our dentist is amazing and had a quick look at her wobbly tooth and said it is so ready to come out and there was no issue with the teeth overlapping. He told us to go back next week if it hadn't came out....

Ellie has eaten at tea time with a lot of persuasion. Luckily most of the food we have eaten this week has been soft. Curry & rice, Sweetcorn fritters and sausage casserole....

On Wednesday Ellie wasn't her normal self....I think the not eating properly had taken it's toll....She hardly spoke all evening. When she did her tooth would wobble even more and she didn't like it....She even went to bed without any arguments so I knew something was off....

Yesterday morning my alarm went off and she Ellie was peeping around the door. I thought uh-oh! She's been sick. That's usually the only time she's awake before the alarm clock....No the tooth had came out! HOORAY! She said she had woken up and the tooth was out and she came so close to swallowing it....

What a change in my girl....She was chattering away and ate 3 breakfasts. lol Cereal, toast and a breakfast bar....It was lovely to see her smile again and back to her normal self....I am writing this yesterday afternoon so the tooth fairy is yet to pay a visit....I am sure she will be generous!


  1. Aww poor Ellie, it must have really been bothering her. Glad to hear it's out and she's back to her normal self. Have a lovely weekend x #WotW

  2. Phew, thank goodness it came out at last, there is nothing worse than a troublesome tooth x

  3. Oh, what a relief for you all that that tooth is now out! Poor Ellie, sounds like she really suffered with it, I do hope she eats and chats loads for days now to make up for it! x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  4. Awww it is horrible to see your child on pain. I,can imagine frustrating it is. Glad to hear that was come out and he is feeling much happier now X #wotw

  5. Hooray - I'm glad there was a happy ending to this post! It can be frustrating when our children aren't themselves, and even when we're able to understand & access the situation, still aren't able to do anything for them really. Glad to hear Ellie is feeling much better now - blasted tooth! A happy weekend to you all! #WotW

  6. So pleased her tooth came out in the end! must be the week for it, lots of kids at the school I work at all had wobbly teeth too.. the tooth fairly will be busy I think!

  7. So glad to hear that Ellie's tooth finally came out! I can imagine that it can't have been pleasant for her having a wobbly tooth, especially with the adult tooth having come through over it. #WotW
