Saturday, 6 January 2018

Week 1 - A photo everyday for a year. #Project365

Here we go again....This will be my 4th year of taking part in Project 365....One photo for every day of the year! Last year was the first year I actually completed it. The previous years I had missed a couple of photos...

This weeks photos are a bit rubbish....We've had a week doing nothing....

1/365 - 1st January
Happy new year....We stayed up until midnight, saw the fireworks on the TV and we were tucked up in bed by half past twelve....

2/365 - 2nd January
Ellie still loves playing with dolls....She got a ton of new clothes and a couple of new dolls for Christmas. She loves changing the outfits.

3/365 - 3rd January
We were taste testing the snacks in a subscription box....Ellie had great fun....The review will be on my blog next week!

4/365 - 4th January
Hot chocolate and biscuits before bed....

5/365 - 5th January
We went shopping and the girls spent some of their Christmas money....Becky got 2 sets of headphones. She needed 2 apparently. One in ear one's and one over ear one' 


  1. Happy new year! It's my fifth year taking part, I'm not sure where that time went! I had to laugh at needing two sets of headphones.

    1. Happy new year to you too! Time does fly...
      Why, just why are two sets of headphones needed...

  2. We also did pretty much nothing last week. Painful really, I'd have preferred to have got out. Happy new year

    1. It seems to have felt like being in limbo. I have been fine with staying home. hehehe

  3. Happy New Year to you all, thank you for visiting my blog every week last year. It's great watching the girls grow up even though I've not met them, it's funny being part of a family you don't know, especially when mine are so far away. It's good having a quiet week, we've had a quiet christmas and new year but I'm getting bored now and need to get out and about a bit more, but there's not many places to go around here.

    1. Ahh! I feel like that when I read blogs and see children growing up, especially those which I have followed for years. Thank you x

  4. So nice to have some time off. I've enjoyed having this week after New Year off this year - it's made things very chilled.

    1. It has been lovely doing nothing. Thank you x

  5. I was exactly the same on NYE, my party days are clearly behind me! Look forward to your adventures again this year #365

    1. hahaha! It was so nice to wake up with no hangover and feeling refreshed. Thank you x

  6. I don't think that sounds like a boring week at all. Rather lovely actually. I didn't even make it to midnight on New Years!#365

    1. It has been lovely! I was ready for bed at about 10pm on NYE but the kids weren't letting me go to bed. lol

  7. Happy new year lovely. We’ve been much the same. I am not looking forward to tomorrow. Lovely photos & fun you’ve had xx

    1. Happy new year to you too!
      I hope the return to school goes well x

  8. Happy New year! Hot chocolate and biscuits are the best!

  9. yes 2 pairs of headphones sound logical to me.
    My kids were never really doll lovers and DD3 use to pull of their heads and cut off their hair.
    quite like a hot choc and a biccie myself.

  10. Not rubbish at all, they're the every day moments and that's what makes this project such fun!

  11. Yup we were in bed by 12:30 too! Hot chocolate and biscuits before bed sounds like a really lovely idea :)

  12. Sometimes a week of doing nothing are the best!

    Happy new year and look forward to seeing what you get up to this year

  13. Well done for completing last year! you were one of the people who inspired me to try it in 2018! #project365

  14. Happy new Year, so lovely to see how the girls are growing up. I'm glad my children are not the only ones to require more than one set of headphones! Looking forward to seeing what you get up to in 2018 x

  15. Four years of 365? Wow!! Great photos - I've heard good things about that Chewy Moon box so interested to see what you think about it.
