Thursday, 13 February 2020

Screen free rainy day activities for Teens and Tweens!

If it's the weekend or school holidays there is a pretty good chance it will rain! My girls given the chance would sit in front of a screen all day but I don't want them to do that. I would love them to find something else to do but sometimes they do struggle. They think if they say they are bored I will give in and let them back on the xBox or laptop. Nope I have a whole heap of ideas of things they can do without resorting to putting on the TV or computer. 

rain coming down onto a plant

Write letters.
Having a pen-pal as a kid was so exciting, I loved writing and receiving letters. Get your children to write proper letters to grandparents, aunts, uncles or friends. Once they're written and it's stopped raining they can post them.

Make some hot chocolate.
We made some unicorn hot chocolate last year and my girls loved it. There is hundreds of different hot chocolate recipes out there

Take the time to sit down and talk to each other. About school, future holiday ideas, what they like and dislike at the moment, any worries they have, anything! Be happy in each other's company.

Play a game of cards.
Playing cards is not only fun, it’s a great way to keep teens thinking. Learn a new card game that the whole family can enjoy. Go Fish, Crazy Eights and Old Maid fab! My two love to play poker and they play with the copper in the money jar.

Playing cards on a table

Make a scrapbook.
Gather paper, pens, scissors and glue, old magazines and photographs and make scrapbooks.

Help a charity.
Rummage though all your unwanted stuff, box it up ready to give to a local charity. It's a good way to declutter and to feel good.

Ellie still loves slime and is always looking for a chance to make it. Rainy day's are perfect.

Have a spring clean!
It might not seem like the most thrilling thing for kids to do on a rainy day but there are ways to make it fun, and you get a clean house out of it. Win win. Turn the music up, work as a team and make sure you have rewards for when you're finished.

Do science experiments!
There’re a lot of cool ones you can find online and most are pretty easy to do with household objects. One of ours was making a bouncy egg!

an egg in a glass of vinegar and then my youngest holding it showing it was soft to touch

Have a Rainy Day Bake Off.
My girls love to bake and there is nothing better than getting in the kitchen on a rainy day cooking up a storm. We usually go for home made pizzas and some type of cake so we can then eat it for tea! 

Make DIY Lava lamps.
With just 4 ingredients (water, oil, food coloring, and Alka-Seltzer) you can easily make your very own lava lamp.

Get out the board games!
When the weather's rubbish, it's the perfect opportunity to dig out all your old board games and challenge the kids to a game or two.

Jump in some puddles!
There comes a point where you will be in the house going stir crazy. Put your coats on and go for a walk! No matter how old you get it is hard to resist jumping in a puddle!

How do you keep your tween's and teen's amused on a rainy day?


  1. What brilliant ideas! This post brought back some lovely memories as my nan always used to get the pack of cards out when the weather was rubbish. We would play for hours! x

  2. Excellent ideas :-) I've started penpalling again so maybe I should see if Faith would like to have a go. #MMBC

    1. Thank you. I think penpalling is fantastic for kids x
