Saturday, 29 February 2020

Week 9 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

I have had a busy week. Shopping Monday, decorating the bathroom on Tuesday and Wednesday, catching up with blogging on Thursday and the housework yesterday. I am glad the weekend is here so I can have a bit of a rest. I am not expecting to see much of the kids today.

Now for a photo every day!

My youngest ready to go out and my fella playing Fortnite.
Packets of instant mash
A pancake in a pan and my hand covered in grey and yellow paint.
My garden with the washing on the line and a trowel my youngest made at school.

53/366 - 22nd February
Ellie was going out with friends. She is really caring more about what she wears now and always looks so smart. It is costing me a fortune as she is wanting different clothes than she was wearing 6 months ago. It's a good job she's had a growth spurt and actually needs them. Primark is our favourite shop at the moment.

54/366 - 23rd February
Becky has got my fella playing Fortnite. She plays on the xbox and him on the PC. He got his first win on Sunday. She was not impressed and said come back and brag when you have had 10 wins. Harsh. 

55/366 - 24th February
I was sent some instant mash to try out. I have the review post going next week. I was very impressed with it.

56/366 - 25th February
Pancake day! We stuffed ourselves. The kids had about 4 each with different toppings on. At one point Ellie was sat with a jar of chocolate spread and a knife, just plastering it onto her pancake.

57/366 - 26th February
I spent a couple of days painting the bathroom. I always seem to get myself covered in paint. It looks fab now and was worth all my hard work.

58/366 - 27th February
It was such a lovely day on Thursday. The sun was shining, it was breezy and there was no rain! Perfect for getting some washing dried. I got 3 loads done!

59/366 - 28th February
Ellie brought this home from school. She has been working on it since after Christmas in her design & technology lessons. She made it all her self. Cut and shaped the metal and the wood and put it all together. I was so impressed, my dad was here when she got it out of her bag and he knows his tools and even he said it was amazing!

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  1. Impressive technology work. I used to love doing the metal and woodwork at school. We had pancakes too although traditional lemon and sugar here.

    1. I used to love the woodwork at school too.
      I just had lemon & golden syrup on mine. x

  2. Wow, Ellie's trowel is amazing! She certainly does look smart and grown up in that photo. It must be nice to get your bathroom painted - these things are always worth the hard work in the end!

    1. It really is amazing. She has been telling me about it for weeks but I didn't imagine it would be that good. I will be using it in the garden when it dries up a bit x

  3. Wow, well done Ellie, that's fabulous ! And Becky - oooh that's a bit harsh, but it did make me giggle ! The weather and the length of the day are definitely changing - I think (or at least I hope !) spring is definitely on the way :)

    1. It really is! She's moved on to making picture frames now. I can't wait to see the finished product.
      I noticed yesterday it was coming on to half 5 and it was still full on daylight. I can't wait for warmer weather x

  4. I do love pancakes. Those look great. Well done to Ellie that is fab. The weather is crazy just now. Glad you got the bathroom painted. It is good to tick these jobs off xx

  5. Well done Ellie on her trowel - it's very good. You'll have to share a pic of your bathroom makeover when you are done.

    1. It really is fantastic. I can't wait to use it in the garden when it dries up a bit.
      There's a finished pic on my Word of the Week post from Friday x

  6. I'm very impressed with Ellie's trowel - what an amazing job she has done. Lovely to get some washing dried outside. We loved having pancakes last week too - it would have been my gratitude photo if I'd not been too busy eating them to take photos! #project366

    1. It really is amazing! She'd been working on it for weeks at school and was telling me how good it was but I didn't expect it to be as good!
      hahaha! It is so easy to get carried away eating yummy food rather than taking photos. Live in the moment and all that x

  7. a great piece of design by Ellie, well done.
    Nice to get the washing out.
    I always look like that when I paint as well.

  8. That trowel is fab, she must be very happy with herself. Lol, I always get covered in paint to, it's the only way #366

  9. Oh I remember making one of those in my D&T lessons! That brought back some memories.

    I always get paint over myself too when I am decorating.

    Love pancakes but have cut back myself. Didn't make any on pancake day as often make them at the weekend as Bee likes to have them for breakfast!

  10. OoOoOO pancakes. I wonder what the colour of your bathroom is..... it's very rainy here nowadays. Wow, excellent work by Ellie!

  11. I'm not sure I like the look of the instant mash if I'm honest and I've packed my microwave rice cooker for my trip home as the packet rice isn't that nice either. When you've finished your bathroom how are you fixed for some paiting at mine, I'm fed up of it now

  12. I loved doing tech at school and can't wait for my kids to have a chance to do metal and wood work #project366
