Friday, 28 February 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Busy! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

The kids went back to school after half term and got straight back into a routine, for me it has been a busy week.

Stu got an unexpected afternoon off last Friday and was busy doing jobs around the house. Fixing a door, shelves and changing some doors on the cupboard in our bedroom. We were supposed to be going out on Saturday but I decided that the kids should still go out and Stu and I should stay home and have a good clean. He had left dust and mess around the house from doing his DIY.

As soon as the kids left for college & school on Monday we were going to go to town to buy lots of things for decorating like paintbrushes, filler, rollers and some things for around the house but then the water people turned up. We have been having problems with our drains over the last 4 months. Next door has been having an extension built and their drain in the back yard is open so when it gets blocked it overflows. Eww! The water people had been out a couple of times before but hadn't found the problem but this time a man put a camera down the drains and found a big rock about 20ft from our's and next doors houses, it's in road so I imagine they are going to have to dig it up. Our drains always get blocked on a weekend when everyone is in, us and next door. The drain can't cope with the waste and it gets stuck against the rock then backs up and our toilet overflows. Ugh! Hopefully the rock will be removed soon.

Stu and I bought way more than we had planned to in town but for great prices. Everything we had planned on getting plus candles, paint, lampshades, work trousers for Stu and bath mats. I had seen the memory foam bath mats in B&M for £6,99 and thought they were expensive, they were, I found them in Poundstretcher for £1,99. I was amazed when I got home and checked the bank, we only spent just over £100 which included lunch out.

On Tuesday I started work in the bathroom. We had planned to leave the walls the same colour, an oatmeal colour and paint the shelving bright yellow. It looked great when I had finished.

Then my dad said he had found some grey paint and remembered that I had been on about painting the walls grey so that was my job on Wednesday! It took a couple of coats and then I decided to paint half of wood grey too. I realised I had missed some bits that needed painting yellow, the window above the bath and the arch. I was on from 10am until Ellie got in from school at quarter to four. I think it looks so good now. It really brightens up the room.

I did feel so achy after a couple a few busy days so when Ellie went to school yesterday I went back to bed. I had planned on having a lazy day but to be honest it wasn't that lazy. I wrote this blog post and a couple of others and caught up on the washing. I actually got it on the line to dry. It was freezing cold but the sun was shining right onto my garden all afternoon. I got 3 loads done!

Today I have the housework to catch up on and I am going to see my dad, then having a look around the local auction to see if they have anything I want then I have the shopping being delivered later. I'll be glad when it's the weekend because I have no plans at all. The kids do. Ellie is going bowling with her friend and Becky is planning on going to town with her's. 


  1. Oh you have been busy and your bathroom does look so much nicer, well done. My post focuses on my bathroom at the moment, but it looks kind of awful at the moment, we don't even have a floor. I'm so glad I don't have to do any of the work though. I think they even going to paint for us. I hope you have time to relax more next week, or at least have a relaxing weekend. xx

    1. It feels like I didn't stop last week. It has been nice to have a relaxed weekend.
      I bet you can't wait for all the work to be finished at yours. I hope they do paint it for you too x

  2. Your bathroom looks so pretty! You did an amazing job painting. So sorry to read about your plumbing issues. They are just the worst! And plumbers are so expensive. Hope you can get that resolved soon. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! The bathroom really was worth all the hard word.
      Ahh! Thankfully we don't have to pay for the rock to be removed from the drain as it's far enough out to be classed as public property. It's down to the water board. Phew!

  3. Wow! You have had a busy week. I love the new look in your bathroom, what a transformation.
    I hope they get the drains sorted for you soon. x

  4. It is amazing what a lick of paint can do. Everything feels so much fresher. Good job they found the rock in the drains. Not surprised it was backing up. We've had backing up loos and it is not nice. Enjoy your relaxing weekend. #wotw

    1. It really does feel so much fresher and brighter.
      Thank you x

  5. The bathroom looks good, a make over without costing a fortune, I like those! Karen Early Rising Mum

    1. All the paint was given to us by my dad so all we really paid for was the new bath mats. It was a real bargain x

  6. Wow that was a busy week. You did well getting all the shopping and lunch for £100. I love your newly decorated bathroom - that yellow paint really does brighten it up. The overflowing drain sounds quite unpleasant - hope it gets sorted out soon. #WotW

    1. It felt like I didn't stop, hence the easy week this week. hehehe x

  7. Sounds like a mega busy week, the yellow does brighten the bathroom loads, omg the drain sounds awful what a nightmare I bet you cant wait to get it sorted x
