Saturday, 1 February 2020

Week 5 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

Hooray! It's February, finally! We have a few things planned this month. I have a night out coming up, we're cracking on with the decorating and hopefully getting Becky a new bed, one of those high sleeper beds with space underneath. We have to be careful though as our ceilings are so low that if we go too tall she'll end up waking up and hitting her head on the ceiling. 

I seem to have gone with a theme for the past weeks photos. Food!! 

Now for a photo every day!

A box of vegetable spring rolls and chow mein stir fry mix and a box of fudge.
My two girls sat around the table eating their tea and half a meat and vegetable pie.
A bowl with cake and custard in a bag of apple crisps
3 pizzas still in their boxes waiting to go in the oven

25/366 - 25th January
Vegetable spring rolls and a packet of chow mein stir fry mix. When I was doing the meal planning I hadn't realised that it was Chinese new year. It was just lucky timing. I made a chicken chow mein!

26/366 - 26th January
The fudge subscription box that I have reviewed. It was delicious fudge and I am tempted to order another box for myself.

27/366 - 27th January
We had a roast dinner on Monday and the kids really enjoyed it. They do love a roast dinner anyway but always seem to enjoy them more on a Monday after a day at school.

28/366 - 28th January
I made a pie using the roast dinner leftovers and we had it with the leftover mash. It was so good. Every time I make one of these pies they taste slightly difference depending on how much roast dinner is leftover.

29/366 - 29th January
Cake and custard! Yum! I do love this time of year when we have hot desserts most evenings. Mostly we just have something with custard.

30/366 - 30th January
I was taking a photo for a blog post next week of some apple crisps.

31/366 - 31st January
Friday night pizza! A tradition here, we have it most weeks as Friday is usually my busiest day. Nobody can ever decide what they want so with have a mix.

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  1. Wow, I love that all of your photos are of food this week. There's no way I could make a Sunday roast on a Monday - Monday is a crazy day for us, but I bet the kids would enjoy it! Your pie sounds like a great idea. With teenage boys in the house we don't have leftovers except when we deliberately make too much eg with lasagne (but even then my eldest often eats his 'leftovers' first time round!).

    1. The kids and my fella really appreciate a roast dinner on a Monday. It seems a good way to start the week. Ahh! I deliberately make too much. hehehe

  2. Ha, I always end up making a roast dinner leftovers pie too ! lol. I'm reviewing the apple crisps next week too so we're twins this week ! lol :)

    1. They are such a good idea and taste so good too. Thank you x

  3. N has roast on Sunday (that I do), and then again on Mondays at Granny's house. She does spoil him! That fudge looks delicious. Great idea for a subscription box.

    1. What a lucky boy he is. I could happily have a roast dinner 2 days on the trot. Thank you x

  4. H would love a hot dessert every night, but I don't manage that too often. He does always have a dessert though. Like the look of the pie.

  5. Lots of food photos making me feel hungry! That fudge looks good!

    Thats one of the reasons I am wary about high sleeper beds...our ceilings are pretty low too!

    1. The fudge was so good!
      It is so rubbish having low ceilings.

  6. Lots of tasty food shots this week! The fudge sub box sounds wonderful, my guys love fudge. I didn't do anything Chinese to celebrate the new year. The leftover pie sounds like a great idea. Cake and custard look tasty, though we're more of ice cream people for dessert, even in winter. We have recently discovered Neapolitan ice cream sandwiches, and my guys cannot have enough of them.

    1. The fudge was so good. My mouth is watering thinking about it.
      Ahh! Neapolitan ice cream sandwiches are so good! x

  7. Your photos from the last week are making me feel hungry! That fudge looks delicious and love the idea of making pie with roast dinner leftovers. I never think to do that – will have to give it a try. Love cake with custard – yum! #project366

    1. Ahh! You should give the pie a try. They're delicious. Thank you x

  8. That pie looks good as does the fudge. I am not a fan of custard so I'd pass on that one #366

  9. I love that all of your photos, although they are making me hungry. Your pie sounds like a great idea, I should give that a go.I'm not a custard fan, but it looks nice xx

  10. great use of the leftover roast, saves waste.
    Love a good chow mein, might need to make one in the coming week.
    I make my own soya milk custard but it has to be thick don't like it runny.

  11. That fudge looks lovely, it's making my mouth water. Sometimes my photos accidentally theme themselves

  12. Now I am really hungry looking at all that food. I need to go have a snack. We also do Friday night pizza!

  13. Lots of tasty food! My hubby adores fudge so I will see if the subscription is something he'd be interested in #project366

  14. That's quite a food filled week you've had, and alot of delicious food, especially the fudge, roast dinner and pie looks delicious
