Friday, 31 January 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Procrastination! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Today seems to be an exciting day. It's not only Friday, it's the last day in January, the month which seems to last forever. It's also the historic day that Britain leaves the European Union!

Today is exciting but the rest of my week has been pretty normal. It hasn't been a bad week just nothing much has happened so I am going to have to bore you with my life and what I've been up to, which isn't much. I have been the queen of procrastination! I have had a million jobs that I could be getting on with but I have found myself scrolling social media, watching films and just generally not doing what I think I should be.

It's been cold, freezing cold and grey. I lose all motivation when we have weather like this. Stu joked with me and said I've just had a week of self care, not every week has to be jam packed with busyness. He's right. The jobs I had to do could wait, if I did them this week or next week, it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. The shopping is ordered, the house is clean and tidy, the kids are fed, they are happy and I am on top of the washing so that's all that matters. 

I am also blaming the The 100 Movies Scratch Off Poster that I reviewed for getting me into watching films and taking me away from things that I should be doing. It started with The Matrix, I of course had to watch the other 2 films in the series as well and then The Terminator, you can't just stop at the first film. I always forget how much I love those films. Terminator 2: Judgement Day is the best but I like them all. I still have the newest one to watch and will be as soon as it's on Sky TV.

My girls are just as good as procrastinating as I am. Things that need doing now are washing trainers covered in mud (Ellie's), they need to put their clean clothes away that have been in a pile on their bedroom floors for nearly a week, homework, college work, washing and drying the dishes from tea, taking the piles of their belongings from the bottom of the stairs into their bedrooms. They always find something else to do instead. Something which I would say is less important. They do everything apart from what they're supposed to be doing.

Becky did make me chuckle yesterday. She said she was going to make a Spotify playlist to listen to music while she was doing some college work. She spent about 2 hours faffing about and listening to music and still hasn't done her college work. 

I do nag the girls but don't really have a leg to stand on when I have had a week like I have had, doing everything apart from what I should be doing!

Are you a procrastinator?


  1. Oh I procrastinate a lot, but I hate seeing it in others. We all need a little down time sometimes though. x

    1. It is so annoying when others do it. hehehe Thank you x

  2. I still haven't seen The Matrix; am I the only one left? ha. If you've procrastinated, it sounds like you have still gotten the main things accomplished for your week. :) We all need some down time.

    1. Ahh! You should watch it, I have read they're bringing a new movie out.
      Thank you x

  3. I think you need a week like that sometimes especially at the end of January, it's such a long miserable month. I saw your movie poster review it's such a great idea, a good way to get watching movies you've never seen before. Have a lovely weekend x

    1. January was such a drag, I am glad it's over.
      Thank you x

  4. The first time I saw the Matrix, I didn't understand it at all. Then I watched it again with my kids. They helped me to understand it and I loved it.

    I am not much of a procrastinator. I hate things hanging over my head. I would just as soon get them over with!

    1. Hooray for the kids explaining the Matrix. I think I understand it now after reading about it online. Thank you x

  5. I excel in procrastination. Your week seems entirely reasonable. The weather being grey and wet really is not a big motivator. Chuckling at the belongings being left on the stairs. We get that too. Some days I wonder how they get passed them. Maybe it's some kind of stair blindness. Hope you have a good weekend and scratch off a few more movies from your poster. #wotw

    1. hehehe! I'm glad I'm not the only one.
      I think stair blindness is a thing, it must be. Thank you x

  6. I so relate to this I am the biggest procrastinator, everything takes me so long to do because I get distracted! Omg I bet that poster is lethal! And do you know what if you need a week off, then take it life's too short to not look after yourself xx

    1. hahaha! I am terrible for getting distracted by things, usually the pointless things which shouldn't be worth my time. Thank you x

  7. I think most of us can relate to this! The weather doesn't help at all with trying to feel motivated, does it? Becky's procrastination over her Spotify list made me chuckle - I've done exactly the same with trying to put together a playlist to help get me through the housework - an hour later and all I've achieved is putting together the playlist! I like Stu's perspective that you've just had a week of self-care. Sometimes we all need a slow week and time out x #WotW

    1. The weather really does effect my mood. I got loads done yesterday when it was sunny, today is grey and I don't want to move. Thank you x

  8. I procrastinate by making music playlists too!
