Thursday, 30 January 2020

What I loved in January 2020!

The longest month of the year is nearly over! Doesn't January seem to drag. It hasn't been a bad month for me, well apart from being poorly and having my contraceptive implant changed. I have found a lot of little things to love over the past month.

This is what I loved in January:

I think I could put this on my list every month but it has been good over the past month. Breda McQueen was finally found out and Tony was rescued! Hooray! Warren is back and poor Jesse died! Becky is obsessed with Hollyoaks at the moment. It is the one TV show that she will sit and watch with me without moaning.

A new mattress.
Stu & I needed a new mattress and earlier this month we managed to get one. It is a Kingsize Foam Open Coil Mattress and we bought it from Wayfair for £99. I think it is well worth the price. It was firmer than what I was expecting and I was worried about getting comfy and sleeping on it but I needn't have worried. The first night I slept on it I had the best nights sleep and have slept brilliantly since!

Becky has got me into it. I don't make videos, I don't even have an account, I just watch other people's videos but it's brilliant. It's not so good that I can easily lose an hour just scrolling and watching but fun that I know some of the dances and great that I can wind the kids up doing them. Some of the videos are really clever and you can tell a lot of effort has gone into making them.

AJ and the Queen.

I am a big RuPaul fan and saw he had a new series on Netflix. A down on her luck drag queen travels across America in a van with a tough talking 10 year old stowaway. It features a ton of the famous drag queens such as Bianca Del Rio, Latrice Royale, Pandora Boxx,  Trinity “The Tuck” Taylor & many more. It's not the best thing on Netflix, it's predictable but it's funny and it's easy to watch! There needs to be a second season! 

Meal planning.
It is so nice to get back into a routine after Christmas and the New year. It makes me realise how much I appreciate meal planning. I have really enjoyed cooking up some new dishes over the past few weeks for my family. I am aiming for one veggie meal a week and so far it's going well, half the time they don't even realise.

Eating both breakfast & lunch.
I used to have just one or the other but this year I have been making an effort to have both. It has been hard coming up with ideas. Cereal or toast every morning and sandwiches for lunch does get boring but I've been eating fruit, porridge, eggs, cup a soups, cottage cheese on crackers, salad and pasta. I do feel better for eating better.

Cross Stitch!

My cross stitch pattern. The start of a rabbit.

I found myself taking up a new hobby this month. I was asked to review a cross stitch set and I love it! I am hoping to get it finished for Easter. It's slow going as I am a complete beginner but I find it so relaxing.

Saturday Night TV.
We love to sit down as a family and watch TV on a Saturday night and we are loving it at the moment. We have been watching The Masked Singer! It's so bad it's good. It is a great show to get us shouting at the TV. We're also loving The Voice and the new judge Meghan Trainor. We are big fans of her's here.  

What did you love in January?


  1. What a lovely month you have had. We have been getting into TikTok, it's so fun!
    The new mattress sounds comfy. I bet you have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning now hehe. x

    1. Becky is obsessed with TikTok and Ellie just cringes when I mention it. lol
      Yep, it's a struggle to get up in the morning. Thank you x

  2. Bluebell is heavily into TikTok & getting us all involved too - very funny but a complete waste of time!! #MMBC

    1. It is such a waste of time, I can easily lose an hour just scrolling. lol

  3. It sounds like you had a good month. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished cross stitch :o)


    1. Ahh! I am doing so well with the cross stitch. I'd say a few more days & I'll be finished. Thank you x
