Friday, 17 January 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Improved. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This week has been great, a massive improvement on last week when I wasn't well and had my contraceptive implant replaced and was left with a sore arm. My arm is still sore if I bend it too much or knock it but it's getting better but I feel good.

We seem to be back into a normal routine now. Hooray. It has taken a while. We are all happier for knowing what day it is, going to bed early on a school night and eating at the proper time. I am making an effort to eat 3 proper meals a day. I used to skip breakfast most days, if I ate breakfast I would skip lunch. Now I'm eating breakfast, lunch & tea. I am eating a bit healthier too. I am eating porridge or Weetabix instead of sugary cereal for breakfast. For lunch instead of sandwiches I am having random things like cheese and crackers or salad. I am staying away from bacon sandwiches and Pot Noodles. I did treat myself to a shop bought sandwich midweek when the shopping was delivered though and a big slice of carrot cake. hehehe 

I am still managing to go to bed before 11pm on a school night and I am starting to feel better for it. It will be even better after today when we get a new mattress. We have been wanting a new one for years but it's one of those things where there has always been other things to buy. When we moved house my dad bought us a new bed frame from the local auction and a brand new mattress but the mattress was a double and the bed frame a king size. Oops. We've been sleeping on it since the end of June and it's just not comfortable so we took the plunge and ordered a new one. It was only £99 from Wayfair but it has to be better than the one we have.

The kids haven't been up to much over the past week. They've been to school and college and out with friends but that's about it. Ellie did start a new lesson at school. Each term they do a different Design & Technology subject and this term it's engineering which she was so excited about. When she is grown up she wants to be an engineer so this is right up her street, it's a shame the first lesson was all listening and writing. Hopefully next week they do something more hands on.

I started watching the Netflix show "You" on Tuesday and had finished the first series on Wednesday and I should be finished the 2nd today! It was so good. I liked the first series better than the 2nd but wow! What a show! It's so wrong that sometimes I was rooting for Joe. He's a serial killer but sometimes he did the right thing.

All in all it has been a good week. I have got back on top of the housework and the never ending mountain of washing and I have even made time to start a new hobby. Cross stiching, I have more about that next week in a blog post but I am enjoying it which I never thought I would. 


  1. Im glad your week has been better, it's always good when the routine feels more settled. I think we are getting there. I hope you enjoy your new mattress, we had a new one last year and its been lovely. Ive never watched 'You' I may have to put it on my list. I'm currently working my way through 'The Good Place' it's so funny. x

    1. It has been great, thank you.
      The mattress is brilliant. I can't wait to go to bed tonight x

  2. Carrot cake is healthy, right? It has CARROTS. It has to be healthy! :) Glad your week is improved over last week.

    1. I class it as one of my 5 a day. hehehe
      Thank you x

  3. Ohh I bet cross-stitch is relaxing, I am loving the routine too it makes such a difference to have a bit of organisation in your life. I havent had carrot cake for ages its so good isnt it? I am so glad you re feeling better there is nothing worse than feeling rough x

    1. It really is relaxing, I didn't think it would be but I really like it.
      Carrot cake is my favourite type of cake. Thank you x

  4. We loved You also. Season 1 and 2. Brilliant characters and writing, and yes, it is weird rooting for such a baddie!!! #WOTW

    1. It's such a good show! I can't wait for the next series x

  5. Yay! it sounds like you are back on top of everything well done you. Getting back into a routine always feels good. I too found myself cheering Joe on even though he's a terrible human. Have a lovely weekend x

    1. We are back on top of everything and I feel better for it.
      Thank you x

  6. It is nice being back in the routine again. Your healthy changes sound good. My youngest changed D&T this week to engineering for the first time too. I think Ellie would have liked it as they did roll up their sleeves and make something. Can't wait to see your cross stitch. I live tiny stitching. Once you are in the rhythm it is like a form of meditation. Except when the thread gets knotted of course. Hope you have a good weekend. #wotw

    1. Being back into a routine is fantastic. We're all happier for it.
      Ahh! Don't speak about getting knots. It's relaxing until I go wrong. lol x

  7. Glad this week was better, things do take a while to settle back down after Christmas. Karen Early Rising Mum

  8. I'm glad that this week was a better one for you. Getting back into a routine can help and hooray for getting on top of the housework. I'm not sure I ever feel like I manage that one! I haven't done cross-stitch for years, but used to love it. Maybe one day I'll find time to take it up again. Glad you are enjoying it :-) #WotW

    1. I feel like I'm on top of everything now and it feels good. The housework is never ending I will be back complaining about it on Monday when I've had a lazy day today and let things slide. Thank you x

  9. I think I'm only now starting to find my routine! I've been completely flummoxed, since Xmas. I've been after a new mattress, shall be looking on wayfair, thanks x

    1. It has taken me a while to get back into the swing of things after Christmas.
      I was shocked to find a decent one on Wayfair for £99. I always thought they were so expensive and out of my price range. x

  10. I love doing cross stitch, I find it relaxing and challenging at the same time! Look forward to reading your cross stitch blogpost :o)


    1. I am really enjoying it. I have learned that I can't do it when the kids are around as I can't concentrate enough. lol x
