Saturday, 25 January 2020

Week 4 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

This past week seemed to last forever. It seemed to take longer than usual for Friday to come around. I'm glad the weekend is here. We have no plans but we're glad of the rest. January is such a hard slog. We haven't been up to much over the past week. School, work, college housework, all the normal things. 

It was such a sunny day yesterday and it put me in such a good mood. The sun seems to give me motivation and I got loads done. House work, blog posts written, we had a look around the local auction to see what's been sold today and I even popped in to see my dad.

Here's a photo for every day! 

my fella and my daughter riding their bikes down a country lane
A Chinese takeaway in a plastic bag and cottage cheese on crackers
A frosty morning scene, my back garden
The HPV leaflet and a photo of Morpheus off the Matrix

18/366 - 18th January
We went out for a bike ride on Saturday. It was a chilly but sunny day. The girls were not keen on going out but once we were out they didn't want to come home. Typical!

19/366 - 19th January
Our monthly takeaway! We got Chinese and it was so good! It seems such a treat now that we only get one a month, we enjoy it more and look forward to it so much.

20/366 - 20th January
My favourite lunch at the moment. Cottage cheese and pineapple on garlic crackers. It makes a change from my usual sandwiches or soup.

21/366 - 21st January
It was such a cold day on Tuesday. There was still frost on the ground at lunchtime. At least the sun was shining. I even managed to get some washing dried on the washing line.

22/366 - 22nd January
I got the form to fill in for my youngest to have the HPV vaccine. North East Family Fun wrote a great blog post with all the information about the HPV vaccine. She has the injection this week. Eek!

23/366 - 23rd January
I decided I wanted to watch a film and went for The Matrix. It's years since I last saw it. I have a feeling I will be watching the following 2 films soon. I doubt I will understand them but I do enjoy them.

24/366 - 24th January
We received the results of Becky's heart check up and there was more words in it that I didn't understand than did. lol Google helped me out. Translated it means there's no swelling in the heart, the hole that was repaired is still closed, she still has a leaky valve which has progressed (got worse) but there's nothing to worry about because they're going to see her in a year. The leaky valve issue is normal for us so I am not stressing.

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  1. Strangely Friday seemed to come round very quickly for me this week! A monthly takeaway sounds nice. We've got into the habit of having fish and chips on alternate Fridays, which is great - not just the food, but also no shopping, cooking or clearing up! Hope the HPV goes well. So many kids seem to be having them at the moment. Glad to hear Becky's heart appointment went well and there isn't anything to worry about at the moment.

    1. We seem to be enjoying the one takeaway a month more. It seems ages since we have had fish & chips.
      It does seem like all the young one's are having their HPV vaccine.
      Thank you x

  2. This week did not drag for me, it flew.
    The heart results will be a relief.
    we get no sun in the garden at this time of year so just throw it in the tumble dryer.
    Glad you all enjoyed the bike ride together, a great way to help keep their hearts healthy

    1. The heart results are always a relief when they come back and nothing much has changed.
      Our back garden seems to get the sun for most of the day when it's actually out! Phew!
      Thank you x

  3. We have the odd fish and chips takeaway on Fridays because it's fast after tennis. But never chinese as N and the OH aren't keen. Good to hear good news for Becky's heart stuff.

    1. It seems ages since we had fish & chips. I fancy them now!
      Thank you x

  4. I find that the weather really helps me too - so much more productive when the sun is shining. Love that you limit take aways to once a month I’m going to do this too as we could do with saving the money and the weight! Good to hear all is okay with Beckys heart x

    1. I get so much done when it's sunny out.
      Getting one takeaway a month has also made us appreciate it more.
      Thank you x

  5. My week went quite fast - I think because I was busy. Good news about Becky. H had the HPV vaccine on Monday.

    1. It seems like all the tweens and teens are having the HPV vaccine at the moment.

  6. Glad to see it's all looking well on the health front, for Becky's heart and also the vaccine - not nice but definitely worth it. The bike round sounds great, as does the Chinese takeaway - hehe ! We never have Chinese as there aren't any local - we just have oodles of kebab shops where we live! :-/ The week flew by for me too. Looking forward to the next holidays ! xx

    1. Thank you.
      We have the choice of 2 different Chinese takeaways here. hehehe One of them is better than the other though.

  7. Glad to hear that the letter re Becky's heart was reassuring. I haven't had a Chinese takeaway in years, we tend to go for a pizza takeaway usually. I'm on a fence with the HPV vaccine, but it's a personal choice. It was a miserable grey week, and today we have a non-stop rain. A bit of sunshine would be lovely.

    1. Thank you! It is such a relief to get a letter from the hospital saying they'll see her in a year.

  8. January is a bit of a slog of a month isn't it, but a little bit of sunshine makes such a difference. I remember getting clinic letters like that - they can be certainly be a challenge to make sense of. I do like a nice Chinese takeaway although limiting them to once a month is a good idea and certainly makes you appreciate them more. #project366

    1. I will be glad when January is over. It seems to last forever.
      Thank goodness for Google with the heart letters. They should send a translated version to parents. hehehe Thank you x

  9. Glad the results for Becky's heart came back as they did and your explanation helped me understand the letter also. I like the idea of only having take away one night a week, it makes it more fun and something to look forward to

  10. Life is always better whwn the sun's shining isn't it. We try to have a takeaway night once a month too, although only the adults as my son wouldn't eat any of it. Glad that google helped you to make sense of Becky's letter #366

  11. I've had such a busy week that I felt it went quite fast. Great news about Becky. Glad google helped you with the letter xx

  12. Glad the heart check up went well but I'm surprised they don't have a glossary of terms or a patient friendly version! #project366

  13. I have been glad to see a bit of sun aswell! I haven't watched the Matrix in years! Might watch them again with the eldest!

    Glad that the news about Becky's results are good and nothing to worry about!

  14. OoOoOo Chinese! It's great to be vaccinated & saved from future threatening illnesses. Same; I don't understand the films even yet yet I enjoy watching them.
    I was going to explain the results to you but I think you got it

  15. We have our HPV vaccine coming up in May. I am all for it although the teen isn't keen on the needle bit. Looks like the heart update is a good one. I am glad. :) Project 365
