Monday, 13 January 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 13th - 19th Jan. #MealPlanningMonday

Last week was not a great week when it came to meal planning. I was poorly midweek and then had my contraceptive implant changed which left me out of action on Thursday. The meal I was most looking forward to on Wednesday, Sticky apple, sausage & bacon was scrapped. I haven't ordered anymore shopping to be delivered as the freezer is full, there's still plenty in the fridge and cupboards.

What we did have was the slow cooker corned beef and it was so good. Such a simple and cheap recipe which is perfect for January. We made our own pizza's on Saturday night and the kids had great fun with that! 

This week on the menu we have:

MondayPork and apple burgers with salad.
TuesdayOmelette & chips. I think we will all have a different one as there is a lot of random leftovers in the fridge to put in them. I'll go with ham and mushroom. 
WednesdayChicken Nugget Mashed Potato Bowls. This is something different which I have never thought of doing before.
ThursdayVegetable Fajitas using the Old El Paso Smoky BBQ Fajita seasoning mix.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Beef stir fry. I have beef leftover from Christmas and a couple of reduced stir fry mixes in the freezer.
Sunday - Our monthly takeaway. A Chinese I think. 

What are you eating this week?


  1. I really like the sound of the pork and apple burgers and the recipe sounds really easy to make too. Enjoy!


    1. They are so easy to make and my lot love them. Thank you x

  2. I had to look up the mashed potato and nugget bowls and I'm afraid they don't appeal to me at all. The rest of the week sounds good though. I think I may start limiting our take aways to one a month. We may even enjoy them more. x

    1. My girls can't wait for the nugget bowls. lol I think I might make myself something different.
      We seem to enjoy the once a month takeaway more. We are really looking forward to it x

  3. You can't beat veggie fajitas! Looks like you have lots of variety planned this week #MMBC

    1. I am looking forward to them. We usually have meat in them but I am trying for at least one veggie meal a week x

  4. Ooh enjoy your takeaway!

    Sounds like you're going to be eating some lovely meals this week!

    Thanks for linking up, as always, and have a fab week x

    1. I can't wait for the takeaway. Having just one a month makes it extra special.
      Thank you. x

  5. Oh fab meal plan! I know the chicken nugget mashed potato bowls are probably made with kids in mind, but I would love these! Hehe.
    Enjoy your takeaway. x

    1. hehehe! The kids loved them. They're proper comfort food x

  6. oh the mash potato bowls sound and look interesting the boys would love them

  7. Hmmm I could eat all of that and I know the kids would love it too ! :)

  8. Wow, the mash and nugget bowl looks great! That would go down so well with my little chicken nugget fan. x
