Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Six Months living in Scunthorpe and no regrets!

It has been just over six months since we moved house from Northumberland to Scunthorpe! It was a massive move for us not just in distance but in the fact we were leaving everything we knew in Northumberland and starting anew in North Lincolnshire. Stu and I both had worries about moving so far but so far we haven't regretted it at all.

The view from the back of my house. Open fields and trees in the distance.

I wrote about why we wanted to move house in September. To be closer to family, I was sick of my girls school, the crime, the house wasn't great and the neighbours were utter nightmares. It is like a different life and world here. I have read people slate Scunthorpe but we live in one of the smaller towns just outside of it. I'd say it's more like a big village rather than a town and it has a real community feel to it. I joined the local community group too and I get to find out what's going on locally as well as random things, like all the gossip. hehehe

We have all met so many new people and all of us have new friends. I am so glad to say Ellie does not suffer from bullying anymore, her social anxiety has not been mentioned again and she loves school. Becky loves college too! They go to school and college smiling and happy and come home smiling and happy. That has never happened before in their lives until over the past 4 or so months since they've been in education here. 

They both have a good set of friends and it sometimes feels like I hardly see them as they're always out and about. Ellie sometimes comes in from school and then goes straight back out to play and Becky sometimes comes in late from college because she's too busy with friends to come home. I can't complain. They spent most of the time we lived in Ashington not playing out because the area was so bad.

My two girls grabbing lunch on the go, a sandwich.

Stu left his job in a high street store. When we had planned to move there was talk of a transfer but that didn't happen as the store didn't have enough budget. He moved here unemployed but managed to find a job in August which is totally different from the shop work he used to do. He is now a groundsman/handyman. He loves it! He works outside most days which is great in the summer but not so good at this time of year. He only works Monday to Friday so the weekends are all ours and he got all of Christmas off which was amazing!

We all love the house. We have some plans this year to decorate as we haven't done much since we moved in, just the kids bedrooms. We have a long term contract unlike the last house we rented so don't feel afraid to make this house our own.

There seems so much space here. I love having a separate dining room and I have stuck to the rule that we all eat together in the dining room apart from a Saturday night when it's in front of the TV. The kitchen is still my favourite room in the house. It is so big compared to what I'm used to. Now both the kids can bake at the same time and have their own space. In fact the girls and I have all baked at the same time and no one got in each others way. There was a queue for the oven though. 

Both of the girls baking in the kitchen. Both have mixing bowls.

The local auction has been a godsend. Before we moved here my dad got us all brand new beds and 2nd hand sofas which look like brand new. Since moving here we've bought all sorts at bargain prices. Stu and I both got a bike each, we got a big freezer for under £30, a tumble dryer for £5, chests of drawers for a few pounds each and most recently 2 Christmas trees for £7. The kids love it. Ellie keeps buying 50p boxes of random things and gets all sorts. Dolls, hundreds of Shopkins, books and board games. Becky keeps getting outbid on iPhones and lava lamps. Hooray! She doesn't need any more lava lamps. lol

The only gripe I have living here is that if we need something that I've forgotten with the shopping we have to pay over the odds in the little Tesco or the Co-Op. It annoys me that I can go on Tesco's online grocery shop and buy their own branded things but the local shop only sells the expensive brands. Hmmf. I have at least found a great little farm shop which is fantastic for fruit and veg and the local butchers in brilliant too. 

A bus ride into town only takes about 20 minutes and I love Scunthorpe high street. People who have lived here all their lives think it's rubbish but they don't know how good they've got it having B&M, Home Bargains, The Works, Primark, Poundland and Greggs all in 5 minutes of each other. For the first time in years I did most of my Christmas shopping in the high street and not online!

We've not had a McDonalds since the day we moved house. Our nearest one is a couple of bus rides away and takes well over an hour to get to. We're not missing it though which I never thought I'd say! Lots of fast food is a thing of the past. A takeaway now is a real treat with one just once a month. I never thought I'd say it but they make better pizza's here too. They go way over the top with the toppings. I'm not complaining though.

I think the best thing about living here and I think all my family would agree is that my dad and his partner live about 10 minutes away. It has been so lovely seeing the girls getting to know their grandad. They obviously knew him before we moved but only got to see him for a few hours a year. 

My girls and my dad blackberry picking

I feel healthier living here. I have lost a ton of weight because I am walking and cycling more, I feel less stressed and worried about things in general and I feel like we're eating better. I certainly snack less as I have less time sat in the house by myself. We all feel better as we are all getting more fresh air.

Moving house was the best thing we ever did. Even in the middle of winter when it's dreary out, wet and everything is covered in mud because the girls don't seem to know how to take their shoes off before they get in the house, we still feel happy.


  1. This is so lovely to read, Kim, I'm so pleased for you all. It sounds like it was exactly what you all needed and you have gained so much from it. With the girls being happy at school and in their friendships, you must feel so much better yourself, much more relaxed. And having your dad close sounds perfect. Oh, and that high street sounds like the high street of dreams!!! x

    1. It was what we all needed. I am so much more relaxed. It is the high street of dreams. I absolutely love it x

  2. Wow, it all sounds amazing and you have definitely made the right choice, I'm so pleased that it worked out so well for you!

    1. Thank you. It was the best thing we've ever done x

  3. Aw so pleased the move was a success and the post shines of positivity X #mmbc

    1. Thank you. It's hard not to be positive living here x

  4. It sounds like you are all so happy and settled in your new home. It certainly sounds much nicer than Ashington (I don't really know the area but from what you have said it doesn't sound nice) xx

    1. Ashington was lovely when we moved there 13 years ago but it's changed so much for the worse. A fresh start was what we needed. Thank you x

  5. Oh what a wonderful post to read, I am so glad it's such positive changes for you all. We used to go to Scunthorpe on holiday when I was little and I have such fond memories.

    1. Thank you. People have such a bad opinion of Scunthorpe but we all love it here x

  6. This made me smile from ear to ear Kim, it was awful how unhappy you all were before and you can see how its changed all of your lives for the better, its the best thing you could have done I am thrilled it has all worked so amazingly xx

    1. Thank you! Our life really has changed for the better. x

  7. I loved reading this! I'm so happy for you all that it has worked out so well. I knew it had been good for you all, but I hadn't realised it had affected literally every aspect of your lives. It must feel great to see the kids out and about with their friends and to be getting out yourself so much more. x

    1. It really has affected every part of our lives for the better.
      The kids love going out with friends but sometimes I'm glad when it rains just so they spend some time at home with me. lol

  8. I’m so happy. Northumberland must be a war zone.
