Friday 10 January 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Blah! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

The word Blah

It has been a strange week. I would have liked to have been back in a routine but that hasn't happened yet. The first half of the week was great, the 2nd half was not so good. I feel rather blah about this week to be honest. It hasn't been the week I wanted at all.

Becky went back to college on Monday and Stu returned to work. I had Ellie home as she had a teachers training day. She had a day of playing with her Christmas presents, she still had a few things still in their boxes. Her new favourite thing is her Scruff a Luv, a little soft toy that when you get it out of the box it's a sad ball of icy, matted fur, but once you bathe them, dry them and brush them they are a lovely soft toy. Ellie took her's into the bath with her to wash, dried it with a hairdryer and has brushed it well. It's her most loved soft toy, along with Monkey of course. hehehe

2 soft toys. A monkey and a blue polar bear

I got the first food shop of the year delivered on Tuesday and it did make me laugh. There was 14 substitutions. I think that is the most I've ever had. The best one was a duvet set. I bought it for £3 in the sale and they sent a £12 one which wasn't in the sale. In fact all the subs were better than I ordered. Thank you to whoever picked and packed my order. lol

I made a new years resolution of being in bed by 11pm on a school night and so far it's going well. I've been going up well before then and I'm going to sleep earlier but it means that I have been getting up earlier. Most mornings at about 6am. All was going well until Wednesday when I slept until about half past 7 and I felt so tired all morning. By the afternoon I was feeling quite unwell. I had been sick, felt shivery, ached all over and spent the afternoon on the sofa. I have a bit of advice for you, if you feel sick don't lay down in the bath. Chances are you won't be able to get up in time to puke anywhere than in the bathtub. Yeah, that happened. I can laugh about it now. Thankfully by bedtime I felt a lot better and after a really good sleep I felt even better by the morning. 

Thursday I was at the doctors to finally get my contraceptive implant changed. I'd like to say the appointment went well but it didn't. I can't fault the doctor, he was a lovely man but had a bit of a struggle.

Numbing my arm took a while as he was numbing double the area, to take one implant out and put one in. He decided to put the new one in first while he waited for where the old one was coming out to numb. It went in easily. When he came to getting the old one out he hit a problem. He couldn't get it out. The tissue in my arm had attached to it. He went on for about 15 minutes struggling, telling me it wasn't coming out and then said he didn't know what he was going to do. That was not what I needed to hear. I cried and he rang for another doctor to help. She was a lot rougher but got it out within 5 minutes. I am sore writing this now at 5pm last night so goodness knows how I'll feel today. I felt a bit traumatised but at least I don't have to think about it for another 3 years. I will take an hours stress once every 3 years over having a period every month. lol

Today I am going to have a very easy, calm day. I feel like I need it after a couple of days stressing. I am going to write this week off and start afresh next week. 

The Word of the Week linky button.


  1. oh bless, first a day of sickenss then to put up with that trauma. Fingers crossed it heals quickly and you will be ok today x

    1. Thank you. It has been a rough week. I am such a wimp about being ill and being in pain. lol
      My arm is sore today but at least I feel over the bug x

  2. So sorry to read about the rough time you had at the doctor's. I would have cried too! I hope your arm is better.

    We got my grandson a Scruff a Luv for Christmas too. He loves it!

    1. Thank you. My arm is sore but I'll be fine in a couple of days.
      The Scruff a Luv's are very cute. x

  3. Ahhh, what a week. Being ill is one thing, but your experience at the doctors sounds awful. I hope next week is better. I did my first shop since before Christmas, this week, and was pleased that only one item was unavailable. 14 must be near to a record! #wotw

    1. It was a rubbish week. Next week has to be better!
      I think it was a record with the subs! It's the most I've ever had! x

  4. Blah indeed :( hope next week is better for you Karen Early Rising Mum

  5. It sounds like you've had a rough week poor you! hopefully that's your run of bad luck over with now. The substitutions sound great, I have noticed so many empty shelves every time I've popped into the shops since Christmas I wonder what's going on. Hope you nice relaxing weekend x

  6. the issue with the implant sounds really really bad, never had one but assumed the replaced them as they dissolved in some way as they worked.
    Never heard of scruff a loves either, but it will be loved that is for sure.

    1. It would be so much easier if they did dissolve. You think they would. My arm is feeling much better now. x

  7. Omg I felt sick reading that I would have fainted, and it sounds like you have had a rough week, lets hope next week is a better one Kim x

    1. I thought my teen was going to. lol She was sat there watching pulling the worst faces. I couldn't look. I'm feeling better already, next week is going to be a good one x

  8. That sounds like quite a week, Kim. Getting the implant taken out sounds very painful - lets hope that next time will be much better. Sorry to hear that you were feeling unwell and hope that you are much better now. Love the photo of Ellie's Monkey cuddled up to the Scruff a Luv toy. #WotW

    1. I am much better now, thank you. I am just about back to 100%. Phew x
