Saturday, 4 January 2020

Week 1 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

Here we go again a new year of taking a photo every day and sharing it on here only this time it is Project 366 instead of Project 365 with it being a leap year.

It's a short week from me this week as I did a long post finishing 2019 off on Tuesday. I have added an extra photo to this week. Week 1 and I'm bending the rules. Oops.

My family sat on the sofa snacking. My fella and two girls.
A slice of Christmas cake on a white plate.
My youngest on the left and my teen on the right.

1/366 - 1st January
I didn't take any photos during the day on New Years Day but there was plenty just after midnight. We had a lovely evening playing board games, chatting, listening to music and there was of course a lot of snacking.

2/366 - 2nd January
Christmas was officially over when I ate the last slice of Christmas cake.

3/366 - 3rd January
We went to get Becky's heart scanned again. They missed a couple of readings and photos off the scan she had in November so it was better to be safe than sorry. We went to the cafe we always visit when we go into town for a late lunch. All day breakfasts all round! I took a photo each of the girls and I couldn't decide which to use so there is both of them. They're growing up far too fast. This year they turn 13 and 18. Eek!
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  1. Nice to have a lunch date with them. Can't believe Becky will be 18! Same age as nephew number 3 here. (4's ok isn't it, usually goes til Saturdays which is 4 days!) Happy new year

    1. Yep! 18 this year, it makes me feel so old. lol
      Wishing you all the best for 2020 x

  2. Glad to hear all went well with the heart scan, you must all be very relieved. No way are they 13 and 18 this year Kim. Happy New Year to you all and I look forward to what 2020 brings you all

    1. Thank you! We knew there was nothing to worry about with the heart scan but I still found myself asking was everything OK. Yep, time flies. They grow up so fast!
      Wishing you all the best for 2020 x

  3. Oh wow 18! Time certainly does fly!

    Sounds like you had a lovely chilled start to the New Year.

    1. We have had a great start to the year. Thank you x

  4. Both big ages! My cousins little one just turned 13, she said she’s been waiting for so long to be a teenager! Hehe that last piece of Christmas cake is a big thing, it’s a shame I don’t like it - last year I brought Hubster a small one from the British Store and it was expensive expensive and as he didn’t remember eating it I didn’t get him one this year :) (we moved to America and Christmas cake isn’t a thing, nor is Christmas pudding!)

    Happy new year.

    1. My youngest is the same. She thinks there is going to be something life changing about being a teenager. lol
      Oh my goodness. I couldn't imagine a life without Christmas cake & pudding. hehehe x

  5. Gosh, didn't realise Becky will be 18. That last piece of Christmas cake looks tasty. We still have our Christmas tree standing, as it's the Russian Christmas eve tomorrow.
    Lovely to have lunch together with your girls. Happy new year, Kim!

    1. Yep, 18 this year and she can't wait.
      Hooray for your Christmas tree still standing. Have a wonderful 2nd Christmas!
      Happy new year x

  6. Oh wow 18! where has the time gone, she'll love reaching that birthday, a little more than her um I would imagine. Happy New Year Kim x #366

    1. Time really does fly. She was about 10 when I started my blog. She can't wait for her birthday. Happy new year x

  7. I've managed to miss out on Christmas Cake this year - I usually buy one after Christmas when they are reduced. Can't believe how big the girls look now.

    1. I have bought a couple of reduced Christmas cakes. hehehe
      My teen is taller than me now and my youngest is not far behind. x

  8. Nice to have a lunch date. Can't believe Becky will be 18, I am sure she was only 13 last week ;) Happy new year lovely xx

    1. It does feel like Becky was only 13 last week. Time flies x

  9. Thats a fun start to New Yeae. Your girls are growing up!!

  10. Wow, the girls are growing (it is too scary to think about the kids in another decade's time!), lovely (not cheating!) that you included pics of them both #project366

    1. I really don't want to think of the next decade, My girls may have both left home by then. Eek!
      Thank you x
