Friday, 7 February 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Motivated! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Last week was a week of procrastination but this week has been the exact opposite, mostly. All those jobs I was putting off last week and never got around to have been done. Hooray! It feels like this week we have made progress and steps forward in lots of little things.

Over the weekend we changed the dining room around. Ellie was in the corner with her computer desk and was getting quite a collection of toys and things that shouldn't be kept downstairs. Whenever we told her to take them back upstairs they were just getting put on the bookcase or under her table so now her computer desk has swapped places with Stu's computer desk. She's in the middle of the room now which will put a stop to her hoarding. So far so good!

We had been thinking about getting Becky a metal framed mid sleeper bed so she can put her drawers underneath. Her room is the smallest and we have to be clever with the space that there is. We had been pricing them up and had planned on buying one next week but at the weekend my dad noticed one in the local auction. We had a look at it and it was a tall one but my dad and Stu came up with the idea of sawing a couple of foot off the bottom of the legs and then it would be a mid sleeper. We paid £2 for it, even if it doesn't work we haven't lost a lot of money and if it does we've saved about £98. My dad also gave Becky some neon green paint. The green we painted her room over the summer wasn't bright enough for her so that needs putting onto her walls. Stu has a day off work on Monday so he is going to crack on with the painting and sorting her bed.

I try not to put the heating on when I am home alone but on Tuesday just gone it was bitterly cold. It got to mid afternoon and my hands were numb so I put the central heating on and the gas fire and sat in front of it for half an hour doing some cross stitch. This coming Tuesday we have the people coming to put loft insulation in. At the moment there is some up there but a small fraction of what there should be. I am hoping that when it gets put in we will be able to keep the house warm more easily. 

I was that motivated on Wednesday that I got carried away and cooked one of the meals I'd planned a day early. I am blaming Ellie, she was going on about the meatballs before she went to school so as soon as she left I filled the slow cooker. It was only when I went onto my blog I realised I had meant to cook them on Thursday. Oh well. lol

I did lose quite a few hours this week watching a new Netflix series, The Stranger. I had seen people talking about it on Twitter but then saw one of the main characters on This Morning talking about it and thought I'd give it a go. I was hooked from the first episode and watched it within a couple of days. I even stayed up past my bedtime to finish watching one episode.

The kids have had a good week at school and college. Not much has gone on with them. They have just one more week until half term and the thought of that is keeping them motivated but to be honest this set of holidays seems to come around so quickly after the Christmas break. Becky did actually think she had broke up this week and was hugely disappointed when I set her straight. hehehe


  1. Being motivated is such a nice feeling isn't it and it sounds like you've had a really productive week. Good luck with trying to shorten the high rise bed for Becky and fingers crossed it works. Sophie has a mid-sleeper and it is brilliant for maximising storage when you're short on space. Fingers crossed that moving Ellie's desk helps with the hoarding. Sophie has a tendency to do the same! We're looking forward to half-term too. #WotW

    1. I have had such a great week. It's good to get things done!
      Thank you x

  2. Well done on your motivated week. The bed sounds like a great idea, I hope it works out ok. I've just bought my son a midi sleeper for his room, they add so much more space for storage. x

    1. Thank you! The bed worked and she loves it! x

  3. I'm feeling more motivated this week too. I bet you are pleased to cross off so much from your list. It has been nippy. Hope the insulation makes a noticeable difference. The new bed sounds like a good solution and, you are right, if it doesn't work out, it's no big loss. We're looking forward to half term too. Only four days next week for us. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. #wotw

    1. Thank you! I am hoping the insulation helps too.
      The bed worked so we saved quite a bit of money.

  4. I love The Stranger - it's filmed round where I live and I watched two episodes before I realised. I even commented to my OH "that could have been filmed in our backstreets" - and it was - doh :D
    Well done on the motivation week - I am getting there, and there definitely less procrastination this week, I wouldn't go so far as to say 'motivated' though :D

    1. Oh wow! It is great to realise something was filmed near you. I read the actress who played "The Stranger" grew up about 20 minutes from where I live.
      Ahh! Less procrastination is good! x

  5. What a turn around! Procrastinating to motivated. I love it!Could you lend me Stu for a little while? I have a room that needs painted and my hubby is dragging hes feet! :)

    1. I think the sunshine has really helped with my motivation.
      hahaha! You can have Stu after all the painting here is done, we have lots to do. lol x

  6. Motivated is a great treat to receive! I have been motivated to do some things this week, and unmotivated to do others. But I suppose such is life; balanced anyway. :)

  7. Motivated and busy, the bed is such a good buy and like you say you haven't lost much if it doesn't work out

    1. The bed worked and Becky loves it! Thank you x
