Monday, 31 December 2012

Another year has passed......

Another year has passed....We have had quite a quiet year compared to others....

Nothing major has happened.....Nothing much has changed....We're plodding along with life and I like how it is....

This picture was taken this time last year girls seem alot smaller a year ago...Yes a year has passed but now they both look a lot more grown up if you know what I mean....Becky especially....She has got taller and Ellie has lost the baby chubby-ness off her face...

So....This was 2012!! 

We had Thomas the class teddy to stay for a week!! Loads of fun trying to keep him safe and clean!! 

Aww....Valentines Day meal for Stu & I....No chance of a baby-sitter so I cooked...Was a lovely evening....The kids even stayed in their bedrooms and let us eat in peace....

We saw the Olympic Torch on one of the rainiest days ever...

We baked cakes, had sword fights & had sunny days in the yard with the paddling pool...

We had lazy days...... 

And days out to the beach, eating fish & chips and Ice-Cream!.... 

We had school days...

And Birthdays....A 5th, 10th, 33rd and a 40th!

But most of all we had fun!!

Was a great year for us!!

Hope 2013 is good to us too.

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